I travel to Rocky Point at least every couple of months and have for the last 10 years or so and have never once had an issue. I have been here since last Wednesday and, as usual, had no issues at the border, on the road down from Sonyota or in town. The news media has fueled a firestorm of doubts and fears based on isolated incidents many, many miles away from RP. I feel every bit as safe travelling to and being here as I do in and around my home in the Phoenix area. Kudos also to the people of RP for their warmth and honesty. Most recent case in point: my last time down for the Roger Kline concert, I gased up at the Pemex going out of town and forgot to pick up my credit card. When I discovered it was missing, I said "Oh _ _ _ _!" remenbered when I last used it, went to the gas station here and they had it and gladly handed it to me. I then checked usage...nothing since using it there. Travel to RP, be sensible as you would anywhere, have fun and you'll be fine.