I dont think its yours Im looking at, this is a 21' , how does it handle in rough water? How much are you asking and what year and motor and what do you have on it?
``` The hull is a 2000 Sea Pro, motor is a 2001 Merc. 125 hp 2-cycle saltwater version, aprox. 260 hrs.
``` All electronics, T-Top, w/gold rockets, & electronics box, tinted plexiglass windscreen,
``` self - bailing cockpit, ``` will hold 16 rods, `ss bow rail, `
``` SS Balistic hipo prop. `2- live bait wells, large fish box, `2-capt. chairs, `
``` 94 qt. cooler, `53 gal gas tank, 160 mile approx. range, `extra prop, `spair tire, `
``` Tandem axle - galvanized trailer, ` w/new tires,
``` & much more, ```handles well in rough water, ``` however in rough water it is prudent to keep off of water in ANY boat,
``` on flat seas from PDO ramp to island less than 45 min. ``` 42 - 46 mph ``` it is a nice stable platform, ```see pics.
``` It was built in S Carolina, ```I bought it new, original owner, has had the best of care, excelt. cond. ``` ready to fish,
``` today this boat new will cost ```$30,000.00 + ~ ~ ~ asking $15,000.00
```If you pencil it out you will see it, ```
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