For beginners the Rosetta program is great.
It starts with just simple words and pictures. Lets see if I can explain it. Disc one has 7-9 lessons. In the first lesson you learn simple words, boy, girl, man, woman (and different words for females), with both pictures, spelling and audio (spoken clearly and slowly). One also has the ability to slow the speech speed from what I've read (have not needed to slow it yet), or you can set it to a normal speaking speed. These pictures are then presented as 4 pictures (called quads) to a screen. As you progress through the quads (10) you have to select the correct pic that matches the spoken word. New words are introduced with new pics and these build on what you've practiced in prior quads. These new pics evolve into new quads and you learn simple phrases. You can repeat the spoken phrase over endlessly to assist in your own annunciation. As you progress through the quads a phrase is spoken with no pics and you have to match one of the pics within that quad (pics appear) to the spoken phrase (you're practice listening and comprehension skills). There are reading skills along with speaking skills and finally writing skills. In disc 3 you'll record your voice and the program will convert your voice to sound wave so you can compare tone, pronunciation, and correct inflection (if I have that correct). And of course there are tests which you can take at any time. Or, you can do a simple review of the lesson(s). I've finished lesson one, just the listening and reading part, not spelling yet and its taken about 3 hours (lunch breaks). I noticed as I was completing level 10 within lesson one, you are also completing sub sets (A,B,C, and possibly a D), without realizing of what you're doing... But your learning Spanish and so far its been fun. As you progress through these quads your tested (every quad) so by the time your done, you have a good understanding of the words and phrases in your lesson. I can now make extremely simple sentences. By the time one gets through lesson 9 of this first disc, one should have a good understanding of Spanish. BTW, this Spanish disc is the Latin American version.
The program also keeps track of your progress.
If folks are interested I'll copy one of the sentences of disc 1, final lesson post it so you can see the level of comprehension/speaking one may be at the end of disc one.
So far I'm thrilled with the program. I've spoken with others who used these programs to learn other languages such as Japanese. The users could not say enough great things about these programs.
There is a problem though. I want to shuck other responsibilities and learn Spanish, cuz the program makes it fun.