Children required to have Passport Cards?

A generally well-informed couple that we travel to Mexico with is asking me if children are now required (at least by the letter of the law) to have passport cards.

Everything I read indicates this is false, but can any one enlighten me? Has there been a change in U.S. policy?



I understand anyone under the age of 16 only requires an original birth certificate when travelling with their parent or guardian.
This is from the government site....

Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI):
Children: Beginning June 1, 2009, U.S. and Canadian citizen children under age 16 arriving by land or sea from contiguous territory may also present an original or copy of his or her birth certificate, a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, a Naturalization Certificate, or a Canadian Citizenship Card.

Anything you wanted or needed to know:

Just remember....Google is your friend!!!:rofl:
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Yes they definitly need one to prove they are citizens. Any American will be granted entry, some with less hassle than others.