La Curva

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
:cheers:I ended up in the ER in Phoenix from eating at the Fish Market Restaurant. Never once been sick from food in Mexico. Tequila, many times, food never!


Colorado Fishman
What food is better?

There are a lot of new restaurants in Penasco. I used to like Costa Brava, Gone. Who has better food?


Colorado Fishman
Monezuma's Revenge

I went on a 30 day tour of MX in Jan 1972 and the Old German who took us said most people who get sick get it from not washing their hands. I never got sick then or now. I rest my case.
There are a lot of new restaurants in Penasco. I used to like Costa Brava, Gone. Who has better food?
The OLD Costa Brava was good (before the explosion). The restaurant in the new location was pathetic. I ate there once, and never returned.


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Good Road Kill, ~~~

~~~ There was a GOOD road kill Tuesday nite, :lol: :lol: :lol:

~~~ Someone must have dropped off a sack of ~~~ DEAD DOGS, ~~~ :rofl::rofl::rofl:

~~~ Yipe, the gringos can have a ~~~ "NICE MEXICAN DINNER" now, ~~~ :cluck::cluck::cluck:

~~~ They told Tortuga ~~~ that this supply should last them thru wk. end, ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:

~~~ The Red Cross will also be ~~~ HAPPY ~~~ with the extra buis. ~~~ they have the "BELLY PUMPER" @ the ready :woo::woo::woo:
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HAPPY!!!! You had better put on your life preserver because you're going need it Amigo. My gloves are off, bare knuckles, and I'm going to lead you around as if you were a little kid at Disneyland, and you'll start crying like one too.
Pack leader ha, more like a groupie


User is currently banned
happy!!!! You had better put on your life preserver because you're going need it amigo. My gloves are off, bare knuckles, and i'm going to lead you around as if you were a little kid at disneyland, and you'll start crying like one too.
Pack leader ha, more like a groupie

~~~ JUMP ON YOU :gay: BOY !!!!!!! :gayfight:ER, ~~~
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Now having real second thoughts about eating at L Curva, though we "thought" we had pretty good food. Never sick except once at "The Reef" ......which is no longer....thank goodness.


Sounds like more forum pot lucks are in order... I am still missing the fish fry after the thanksgiving boat trip to bird island... Now that feast plus thanksgiving dinner are pretty hard to beat and no worries to end up sick later.... Rob get the deep fryer out :grin: :thumbsup:


IMHO Tex-Mex food is best served in USA but in Mexico is just as bad as the food that ~~~HAPPY~~~ is discribing or dog food for that matter, although Avoderm is pretty good, why drive 4 hrs from PHX or TSN to eat the same flavor and color food you find in any corner food place from San Diego in the west coast to Main in the east coast, when in Mexico you are better of eating the real local food and forget about americanized mexican food!!
As for the friendly dolphin/delfin amigable ate there about 17 years ago and got sicker than a dog, returned 3 years later to give them a second chance and it was worst than the first time, I have been there once since for a drink with a friend but no food for me, sorry Gaston!!!