Gas prices in Rocky Point

Can anyone tell me what gas prices are now..I dont know how to figure liter's to gallons. I was told today gasoline is now $3.69 per gallon..
3.875 liters to a gallon......

(price of gas (pesos) x 3.785)/pesos per dollar if gas is 7.6 pesos per liter, and the exchange rate is 12 pesos per dollar, the calculation would be (7.6 x 3.785) /12 or $2.40 per gallon ( I did a little bit of rounding)

I can't believe it's gone up to $3.69 per gallon. I paid approx. $2.76 per gallon of diesel over Thanksgiving. You will be charged more if you use US dollars when you pay at the Pemex stations....they were only giving 11 pesos to the dollar, when the official exchange rate was around 12 pesos. You can either use a credit card, or go to one of the bank ATMs and get get a better rate.
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I paid 50 bucks for 17 or so gallons of gas at the Pemex on the bypass Thanksgiving day in Sonoyta, It was green, too, not red. I was very surprised. I paid 37 for 17 gallons in PP on Sinaloa and Fremont on Sunday after. Both dollars....:aagh:
Chari...the first one must have ripped you pretty good on the exchange....probably around 10 pesos to the dollar.
I thought all pemex stations charged the same rate..Learn something new everyday..Thank you all..
As far as I know, they do....what they get you on is the exchange rate....dollars to pesos. They used to give you 10 pesos to a dollar (easy math for the people at the pump) even when the official exchange was around 12. Then they finally started giving you close to the official rate. They have again gone to ripping you with the exchange, it appears.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
When I stop on Friday at the Pemex in Sonoyta, I'll ask what the exchange rate and the price per liter is. Then, I'll bring you the numbers, Joe and you can figure it out. You know how good I am in math.... 26 dollar hotdogs and all :duh: LOL! I'll need gas Monday on PP before I come home so I'll ask again for comparison. Most of the attandents have a small calculator in their pockets these days so I don't see why they would have to "keep it easy".:aagh:
Chari....just hit the ATM at the bank across from the Pemex at Fremont and Sinaloa(??)....up from'll get a good exchange rate, (I think I got just under 12 pesos to the dollar, and that included the bank fees...theirs and mine) then pay with pesos!! I believe it was 8.71 pesos per liter for diesel over Thanksgiving. Gas should be cheaper.

Over at Sonoyta, there is a little cambio next to the Telcel store in the plaza with the Pemex (bottom of hill). See what the exchange rate is....if the're not giving you close to that at the're getting ripped. The last couple of times, the Cambio was not "buying" US dollars. You can always use a credit card at the'll probably have to go inside to do so. Lately, I've been pulling more pesos from the ATM so that I have enough to buy diesel when I come back to Mexico, if for some reason I'm running low.

The comment on the "making it easy"....was more to rip us gringos more easily with the exchange rate that Pemex used to give!!!
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I heard you can again.....but you need to take your passport with you....they record the transaction. I don't know if all the banks will exchange...before they stopped doing it for a while, I was going to the bank where you turn off Benito Juarez (at the Town Hall) and head to the's just past the town hall plaza on the left. The one across from the Pemex that has the ATM wasn't doing exchanges before. I think Bill (Wood Spinner)said that they were exchanging again (over Thanskgiving).


Can I just take dollars to the bank and get them exchanged?
There is a cambio just off Calle 13 that I've used lately with good exchange rates. Turn onto Calle 13 off Benito Juarez, go to the street just on the far side of El Senorial hotel and take a left. The cambio is on the right about 3 structures down. You might at first think you are in the wrong place. There is no sign overhead, the cambio front is glass with a movie theater type pay window, the glass is dark but there is a lighted OPEN sign. There is a bell on the wall that you have to ring. I think they live there as they are open late.