Guiseppes Saturday mornings


Lovin it in RP!
So Rosie just told me that we will be at Giuseppe's on Saturday morning 10:30 1100 ish to have coffee and to discuss what we will talk about on Rocky Point Ramblings on radio sol 106.1 from 12:00 to 2:00 stop by and let us know what you are thinking about!


Lovin it in RP!
Radio station 106.1 today noon to 2:00 listen to Rosie and Russ on Rocky Point Ramblings all English dialog with some good old music thrown in for fun, join us, text us enjoy!


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No I don't have de calf do you???~~~~~~~~~~???
Sure, garyd I be ~~~ HAPPY ~~~ to drop off some good ol ~ ~ ~ ONLY Folgers, Classic decaf, medium will do, anything to help out the "cause" ~~~


Sorry Russ and Rosie, I was glued to the radio all day on Sunday to listen to you two, no wonder I was cusing up at storm when you were not on the air and now found that it is on Saturdays!!
life's a beach and then you swim!!
Russ and Rosy....a bunch of us missed the show, since the Bird Island boat trip took place that day instead of Friday....
Hope you guys had a blast! Russ and I had another good show...this gig is truly a lot of fun and the time just flies by...and then we made it over to the Taste of Penasco where we emcee-ed the Iron Chef competition, which was won by Chef Luca of Mare Blu. Unfortunately, someone died at the event, which caused us as emcees a weird moment I won't soon forget.