Fishing Day after Thanksgiving Questions



Will we be able to fish off the boat? If yes, do we need to bring our own poles, weight, etc? Do we need to get fishing licenses? Does anyone know where we get a license at?

AZ Miguel

Ask in the fishing forum and you will have many respond.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I think Mark answered this question in the roll call thread but I don't think it will be easy to fish off this boat. It's a 96 foot yacht and it's really high off the water. I'll let Mark chime in. There is the rear platform but I don't remember seeing any bait wells or holding tanks.
I don't think Mark wants us to fish. He said the rocks are to dangerous for a boat that size. I had thought we could fish in the same place we did last year as it was deep but the responce I got was negative. Bait would be no problem as it can be dead and any caught fish could go to a cooler and I could clean at PDO.
It is their call.


2 salty dawgs
we were hoping to fish also - but it's Marks call as to if we should bring our own tackle or not.
I have some sabiki rigs I just bought, so we could make bait...
we'll find out soon enough I guess!
I have no problem with you all fishing, but you'll need to bring your own gear... I said the boat is too big to get close to the rocks where the fish are... so you'll be fishing out over the sandy bottom... you can try bait casting, but it might be kind of crowded at the back of the boat if people are in the water because that is where they will be getting on and off the boat...
You may not remember but last year the last thing we did was go South West 1/4 or may be 1/2 mile and stopped in deeper water over bottom rocks. My guess is it was 30 plus feet deep and we caught a tone of trigers and rock bass. Everyone had a great time. We all know there is a deeper draft on this boat but I sure feel we would all be safe there. The boat also.
Thanks for considering and I know we will be bringing some bait tackle and our poles.
Thanks for considering


2 salty dawgs
thanks for the ok Mark - bringing our own tackle is not a problem, and we'll be sure to keep away from the
most of the fish we caught would be no problem to just hoist up the side the of the boat - and anything caught bigger would be pretty darn fun for those with an underwater view also :)
Where do we stop for the divers ? Last year it was on the S.E. corner of the island but I would think that was to shallow.