What everyone is bringing for Thankgiving Pot Luck....

Since the "Roll Call" thread is long, and had a couple of different threads within it...I thought I'd start this one to collect what everyone is bringing to the Pot Luck over at San Rafael Park.....

I'm in for a turkey (deep fried)
Large Pie (Pecan or pumpkin)

Michelle/AZRob are in for a turkey (deep fried)


Another turkey, Pink Johnson's, brownies, cornbread, Dip.


My Mom is bringing a glazed ham. I think Dad is picking up some tamales at Supper Lays.


2 salty dawgs
Teri and I are down for tons of nice plastic silverware, heavy plates and dessert plates and napkins.
add a batch of margaritas (maybe papaya/pineapple this year?), and a bottle of sippin tequila :)
and hopefully a batch of killer green sauce for chips.
2 jars of mayo for turkey sandwiches the next day (boat trip) and we'll see what else.....


I am bringing a spiral ham. How about some cranberries??? Need some of those for turkey cranberry sandwiches the next day....


Pink Johnson's are seven different flavors of rum with crystal light strawberry kiwi. Lots of people don't remember...


We are brining a deep fried turkey, cranberries, green bean casserole, humongus jar of pickles, tons of plastic cups and we will bring 3 loaves of bread for sandwiches and chips for boat on Friday. Also bringing bottle of red stag and american honey. We will also bring ziploc bags to put all the leftover stuff in.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Mmmmmmm...... green bean casserole! I was hoping someone would bring that! Are you guys also bringing mayo for Friday? If not, I can bring a jar.


2 salty dawgs
Chari -
we have 2 jars of mayo packed already for sandwiches Fri/Sat for leftovers.
you may be getting your "Michelle's" mixed up ;)
Michaela, I can believe you do not remember the Pink Johnsons from last year, I guess if you had a few might be the reason why you do not remember them!!! they are good, Val's specialty!!
I do not remember drinking those. Who knows? Maybe I did?????? Regardless, I'm willing to try them again this year. Ha!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Yea Joester you are right. I got Az Robb's Michelle mixed up with Michaela. You are going to meet them this weekend. Boy, are we gonna have fun!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
We are gonna need some outdoor heaters! They are predicting a high of only 59'! Friggin' Brrrrrrr!