Fished Lobos last week and what a day.

A friend Ted from PDO and I Left RP 6: 30 am and got back at 8:30 that evening. I was so sore the next day from shoulder to wrist
We came in for lunch at the Captns home about 2:00 with a full cooler of large Triggers, Gold Spot Bass + more. We left all we had caught and his wife and Mom filleted them, and they did a perfect job. I checked for bones the next am and found only 2 little ones. After lunch we went back out to close to 5:30 when I aid we have to go in The Cap. would have stayed out.
By the way his wife made fantastic lunch, 2 caserols with 2 fish each poached , plate of fried shrimp, carrot and cabbage salad, mashed avocados and home made tortillas. We were stuffed
After lunch went back out and Ted got 3 Tuna and a Mackerel plus we got another 1/2 cooler of fish. I think we ended up with close to 80 lbs of fillets.
Any one wanting a name and tele. let me know at
Best fishing I have had in a long time!
I've got Black Skipjack (Barrilito) occasionally with big Sierras around Saint George Island. The usual haunts for that fish is with schools of larger Dorados way out there around the Sargasso Paddies in late summer.

That fish is not edible in any form. My wolf pack won't touch em. All of the meat is dark maroon and tastes like iodine even if you bleed em the instant they hit the deck.

They are a blast to catch, good fighters, makes you think you got a nice Yellowfin Tuna. The guys at the ramp don't even want them. The ramp cat looks at you like yer some kind of retard when you offer him a bite!


Don't ever downplay the (Mackerel) most likely the Sierra, one of the best eating fish in our part of the Gulf. Wherever they are caught from Peru to Penasco they are cherished by the locals and rarely make it to the fish markets.

Their flaky white meat is excellent in any concoction. I bleed em out the instant they hit the deck. I keep a ten gallon white Homer Bucket on my boat to deal with them. As soon as they are boated I cut them through the spine at the "neck", toss em head down into the bucket and let em thrash and pitch blood all over the place. Once they bleed out I pack em under ice in my fish box. The larger ones I fillet and the smaller ones I cut into two inch thick steaks. They are the best when cooked on the barbie over Mesquite coals.

In a few weeks the big egg laden females will arrive at the island to dump their millions of eggs. Some are almost three feet long and can weigh in at fifteen pounds.

Nice meat run Shawno........

Ever get the Monterrey Spanish Mackerel around the island?

I think the area around Isla San Jorge is the last hold out for the species. When I fish there in the spring months of Feb & March I get about one of them to every ten Pacific Sierras. They are a real prize as most are egg laden females that are much larger and heftier than the Sierra. They have a smaller head and lack the gold spots of the Sierra.

Heading to Lake Havasu today to the Yamaha service center to get my twins torn down and resealed for this years killin. Gonna do some trolling on the lake next weekend and maybe get some Striped Bass whilst breaking in the overhauled motors.
