FLIES! FLIES! Swarms...



of the things have hit RP in the last few days. I believe that the HOA at Las Conchas--a housing development here in RP--regularly pays for lye to be spread over the dump. Guess it didn't happen this year. Guess concerned citizens need to contact the 'Health' Dept.' for RP and ask re. the situation. If you do so, please be courteous in voicing your concerns; unlike some seemingly unhappy and angry posters on this site.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
It's not just Rocky Point. My Tempe neighborhood has a sudden fly epidemic. Happens every year about this time when everybody puts down the winter lawns and uses good ol' cow manure to cover the seed. Count me as one of the guilty. In a couple of weeks, they all die a happy poop-eating fly death and things return to normal.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I spent 9 days there starting Columbus Day weekend and noticed a lot more flies than usual then. I was really annoyed a couple of times. Hope it's not any worse on Veterans Day weekend!:aagh:

Stuart, "happy, poop eating fly death?" Oh, the mental picture! I need mind bleach! LOL!
Hey, one more post and you'll be a Sonoran God Grand Poobah! Congrats!


These flies were transported here by the businesses in Arizona in an attempt to keep people from visiting.


These flies were transported here by the businesses in Arizona in an attempt to keep people from visiting.
Roberto I believe they were brought over by the California tourism committee to be sure that the Arizonan's go to S.D. to sit on a beach.
I did not say this as it is ilegal to sugest use of any chemical that is not labeled for that specific purpose. Over the years I have used horse face fly spray to ward off almost any flying insect. It is cheap at feed stores , does not smell bad and does not burn your skin.
Remember This is not a recomendation just a comment on what I have done.