When I brought my little Mexi-cat back 3 years ago, the customs guy never even looked at him. He was asleep in my lap. I thought he must have thought that he was my cat that I brought down. I was really sweating getting him crossed! They were more interested in what I had in my utility trailer as that was the weekend I packed up Smuggler's Cove to go into storage when they closed Playa Miramar trailer park. I had to take all my patio furniture home as it would not fit in the trailer to store it. As I saw later, when we stopped at Why and I walked away from the Jeep and trailer and looked at it, we looked like the Beverly Hill-billies as there was more furniture than trailer and we had it piled up and tied down with a million straps. I had my big Anirondack (sp) chair right on top and had been wondering why people were laughing at us when they passed us on the road. We didn't pack it like that on purpose! It was the only time I laughed that whole week-end! And my little Mexi-cat was the only good thing that came out of that week-end! I was told later that you can bring cats back from Mexico with no problem. Some one correct me if I'm wrong.