Peso exchange rates

Here are the peso rates we have received during the past 6 days, Peso has been 18.75 -19,12, ATM's (using a US Capitol One debit card after all fees). Banamex ATM inside Super Norte 18.55, Banorte 17.68, Intercam Bank 18.45,
Stores, change from a $50. Sam's Club 18.50, they grumbled a bit, Super Norte 17,65, Super Ley 18.40. Pollo Lucas 17.5, many other places 16-16.5 - 1. Stay away from the Cambio houses unless needed (yeah, they need to make money too), On Small transactions the difference is minimal but spend $3-400 it becomes more significant .Hope this helps clear up the real peso rates available in RP.
18.2 -1, which ATM?
WE have seen ATM's for Intercam at a Farmacia in the Malecon and Banamex ATM's in a couple of stores other than Super Norte.
Fremont & Sinaloa, Banorte. They have 2 ATM's but not all the time? Our 5000 Peso transaction cost us $2.73
We used the ATM at Banorte on Thurs. We took out 4000 pesos and got 17.68 after the 46 peso fee.
Same day we were at Super Norte (across from Sam's and the Bodega (Walmart) and saw the Banamex ATM inside and took out 2000 pesos and got 18.55 after the 31 peso fee ($1.69).
Wanted to see what rate we would get and was surprised by the 31 peso fee, lower than any of the banks we have tried over the past 3 years
Looks like I will hit the Banamex ATM in Super Norte when we get into town for it's 5% better rate conversion and lower ATM fee and do some shopping as well.
Does your US bank charge you as well?
I don't pay an additional fee from my US bank. I use Capitol One checking debit card and my Fidelity Debit card. I also use both of the credit cards with my 2 accounts.
No fee's and get 1.5-2% back on top of a great exchange rate using my credit cards.

Someone here, posted this site that shows all the current exchange rates in Mexico, which is a great tool because the differences in rates at banks is 3-4%.

Still much ,better than the cambio houses which were showing 16.8-17 last weekend (11% less). Yeah, they need to make $ and do serve those without bank accounts
BEWARE OF YOUR USA BANK CHARGERS Last year I used B of A and got clobbered . I just checked with them and they are now a flat $ 15.00 plus 3% per dollar
Chase is a flat $ 5.00 I think and our bank has no charges
Just do a little research there are more than a few ways to avoid the foreign transaction fees.
I know Well's Fargo charges 3% and $10 using a CC and a flat $10 on ATM debit withdrawals in Penasco plus the Mexican fees.
That prompted me to get a Capitol One acct. and got a Fidelity brokerage Credit Card. Both places pay .75-1.30% on checking/savings balances,
Well's .05% last time I looked.


If you withdraw from a US account via a bank machine in Mexico, who determines the exchange rate. The Mx. bank that owns the machine or the bank in the US that releases the funds? Do you get the posted exchange rate at the withdrawl bank?

Terry C

At Chase the fee appears in the register. The amount withdrew and the fee cost. As soon as you withdraw you can see it at Chase online.
If you withdraw from a US account via a bank machine in Mexico, who determines the exchange rate. The Mx. bank that owns the machine or the bank in the US that releases the funds? Do you get the posted exchange rate at the withdrawl bank?
Terry, which ATM did you use?

Roberto, Up until this year when I withdrew from a ATM in RP, usually Banorte, the rate I received was almost the same as what was listed in the currency markets. (close to the higher amount posted in Banorte's window).
Starting this year Banorte started showing the lower rate shown in their window during the ATM transaction which you had to agree to before dispensing pesos to me.
Based on my experience, some of the banks and bank ATM's around town are making money by giving you a lower exchange rate set by them,
vs the exchange rates used by the US banks at the time of the conversion.

From my trip last week, I found the best places to get pesos from ATM's are, Banamex ATM (in the Super Norte), Intercam (on Freemont across from Banorte also there are a few ATM's around town).

Both of these ATM's gave pesos around 18.7 vs 17.6 at Banorte. Official rate was around 18.8 at the time.

Getting pesos back in change from dollars, Sam's club, Bodega and Super Ley, again close to 18.6 vs the 17.5, I received back from Super Norte store in change.

The rate today is 19.18, hopefully somebody can do an ATM withdrawal today and post what the actually received.

Terry C

This was for Gas
May 8, 2017
GASOL LAS CONCHAS 1 PTO PENASCO SMX Nu Peso 825.35 X 0.05282607 (EXCHG RTE) + 1.30 (EXCHG RTE ADJ) Debit card transaction −$44.90