A "nuisance stop" in Ajo is one thing. Being funneled through a checkpoint whose sole purpose is extracting money from gringos, rather than real safety, is something else altogether. If you're stupid enough to speed through Ajo (or Gila Bend), then you deserve a ticket. The speed limits are very clearly posted and both towns, as well as Sonoita, are known speed traps. Do the speed limit and this is not a problem.
By the way - you do NOT get points on your license for missing mudflaps, tail lights out or even a seat belt violation. In AZ, a seatbelt violation is strictly a secondary offense. In other words, you will not be pulled over for a seatbelt violation; you will only be given a ticket for it if you were pulled over for some other offense. Quote:
"In Arizona, your fines will depend on how many people in the vehicle are not wearing seat belts when you are pulled over. In most cases, the first offense will result in a $10 fine per person. Arizona is a secondary seat belt law state, though, meaning that you can’t be pulled over just for not wearing your seat belt. You have to be pulled over for another offense first."
You only get points (and possible insurance increases) from primary or MOVING violations - speeding, accidents, failure to yield, following to closely, DUI, etc.
So my point still stands - the checkpoints in Sonoita sole purpose is to extract money from gringos for chickenshit offenses via intimidation, and they only to try to extract money from gringos, not their own citizens. Total bullshit, plain and simple -- you cheerleaders can justify this nonsense in your own minds any freakin' way you want. How fast do you think there would be a HUGE uproar and cries of racism if we funneled everyone through some bullshit checkpoint on the US side and made only the Mexicans pay for some perceived minor traffic violation? Yeah, that would surely be tolerated, wouldn't it?