That's pretty funny. First, if you had taken the time to think, explore and gather some information for your understanding you would have realized this particular event did not take place in a vacumn, a specially prepared battlefield, you know like a board game at home. Lack of consideration is indifference right? Your earlier support of letting them fight it out seemed to me a general one, not specific to this little town. Maybe I got that wrong. You weren't the only one advocating what seems to me wholesale violence. Where ever they decide to meet, let them shoot it out and mop up later sort of logic. Do you actually believe that you can let two large groups of armed men fight it out with automatic weapons, grenades, etc in or near homes, towns, farms across a country without innocent people being involved? Oh then we might have a bit of collateral damage, might be a few non-combatants harmed a bit. A few shacks damaged, no great loss, it was not in my neighborhood. Hey guy, try using the words innocent men, women, children and Homes. All the violence in TV and movies has desensitized several generations of US folk.
Audsley Sez:
'Actually, I always thought recognizing and accepting that some cultures are different from mine and accepting that this isn't necessarily a bad, was a sign that I'm enlightened and all that. Seems a guy can't win when the political correctness police feel like going on a tear. "
What is this nonsense gobbledygook?? What did you recognize was different in this situation than the US? That it is in a different country, Mexico so it's OK ? Hey guy, there is no winning, it's a matter of morality and sensitivity. Politics are temporary, what's correct one day is not the next, that's the point of the phrase 'Politically Correct". It's also irrelevant whether you are a Tea Party guy or an NPR freak. Your enlightenment seems to me to be passed through a distorted lens, the US way of seeing things, knowing best, correct, willing to permit or ignore violence against other people who are different.
I think people who expose themselves to the crap on TV and movies view the violence of conflict as presented by the media as public entertainment, as long as they are not the ones in with the lions. It's exciting as long as I'm in the spectator seats , no ? I'm going to go vomit.