Met the late Glendon Sikes daughter and Husband (Georgie and Jack) at a party Saturday.George (seen in these pictures from 1945-85) is now 85 and still full of life. Hthen teenaged dad homesteaded 200 acres in Tucson in 1895 on Ruthrauff road. He sold some for 100 bucks an acre in 1945...used his "fortune" in 1946 to buy a boat and cut a deal with the Mexican guy that owned the store in Cholla (who later got the boot from Brown) to build a shack and a garage for the boat.The kids always thought he loved the boat more than them because it had windows in it's house. He would leave his truck with the keys in it at high tide line and head to the other side for a week of fishing.The Mexicans would move it if needed.