Holy crap. Lots of new vioence I think?



I wouldn't want your job. You are good at it and have no reason to leave. I appreciate the updates you give on a regular basis. I am hunkered down in Los Conchos becasue I have my elderly parents (home owners) and kids with me and the violence hasn't come to Los Conchos yet.

Since you know so much, maybe you want to trade jobs with me? What seems to be untrue you say is just "hush, hush" and when something does happen you say, "Aha! I told you so". If you're hunkered down in your Las Conchas place scared to move, why are you even here? Why not go where it's nice and safe?


I did some reading about Rosarita Beach and San Carlos yesterday. Seems lkje Rosarito has closed down. How are the rental companies going to exist? How are they going to exist in Rocky Point much longer?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
ReportJones - you are as welcome here as anyone. Right now, things are a bit tense, given the recent violence that has taken place in Puerto Penasco. Folks are a bit on edge and rightfully so. I ask that if you come to our forum and wish to post incidents of violence that have taken place, please provide a credible source that others can use to verify the information. There have been some very real incidents and some "chicken little" incidents reported here recently. You'll note that I have deliberately started to list posts of this nature as "Unconfirmed" until (or unless) the information has been substantiated through several sources, preferably those in Penasco itself. I think we all agree everyone has a right to know what is going on. However, I want to avoid making any issue seem worse than it already is by propagating rumors and hearsay information. Does that make sense?



You're entitled to call your own house whatever you like. But, I don't care how long you and your family have been calling it Los Conchos. It's wrong. It's Las Conchas. People like you get mad when Mexicans don't speak good English - but it's okay for you to butcher their Spanish?


"People like you get mad when Mexicans don't speak good English" Kind of making a big leap here aren't we or did I miss something?


Well some people don't want to go on record...you may have noticed my buddy was right about the gunman being held at the clinic...If i said where i got that from he'd kick my ass! The report did advance the story...
I just love it when you have someone that's been on here for almost a year and half, and has 41 posts to his name....speaking with authority and knowledge of what's going on in Penasco.

You know, I just heard from my brother's cousin's bosses uncle who heard from a good friend who's never been in Penasco that.........(fill in the blank).... BTW, I don't have a brother!!!:stir:


You got it Stuart.....this is more than fair! My only point is that when I brought this info to the website several days ago....everyone said I was out of my mind. Then only a few days later the information proved to be true. Turned out my source was pretty credible. By the way, my source is a very well known contributor to this website and e-mailed me the info privately. He/she didn't want to come out with the news and, despite it being true, become a victim of attack by others on the site. I guess he/shes concerns proved to be true!

I still respect your position and will follow your request.
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No we call them Pigeon Coops here....
Good point. I should identify who told me about the shooting in Sonoyta that resulted in the kidnapping from an Ambulance on the highway. The persons names is PiquitoRosie. It was in her entry posted at 6:30 am yesterday in the Thread titled "Not True: Replacement Chief of Police in PP shot yesterday". Sorry to burn my source.

I have been in Los Conchos for years. That is how my whole family spells it. My family is old school and has had the house forever. Couldn't tell ya why we all spell it that way. Never thought about to be honest. My parents spelled it this way ever since I was a little boy. We own the house so I guess we can call it what ever we want. Besides, what does that have to do with the violence in Rocky Point?

Los Conchos is located just outside of town WHERE NO VIOLENCE HAS OCCURRED. You really need to stop by sometime so you can let your guard down, relax and have a beer. Its on your drive back to Rocky Point that I will be interested in watching.

I also have condos on Sandy Beach. Is it okay if I just refer to them as condos instead of Pigeon Coups?

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
He/she didn't want to come out with the news and, despite it being true, become a victim of attack by others on the site. I guess he/shes concerns proved to be true! I still respect your position and will follow your request.
ReportJones, hope you don't mind that I only quoted part of your post. Unfortunately it is true that there are a few on this forum that simply attack. Please know that they are the minority. Most of us are usually kinda frantic for some credibility when a story like this comes out and we can sound kinda fierce. You will soon learn who to ignore and who can be trusted. The others are just fluff. Stuart and Tyler are pretty fair in their assessments of what's going on and always are open to discuss it, so don't let the "bad apples" get you down! And a lot of us either can't spell, or spell phonetically! I remember in my car racing days, my little sister was excited to tell me the movie "Grand Prix" was on. Only she pronounced it "Grand Pricks" ahahahahahaha. I still don't let her forget that one!:bunny:


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
By the way, my source is a very well known contributor to this website and e-mailed me the info privately. He/she didn't want to come out with the news and, despite it being true, become a victim of attack by others on the site.
I am trying to limit the amount of "shoot the messenger" that's been happening around here. Tell them they are welcome here anytime. Thanks!


Only she pronounced it "Grand Pricks" ahahahahahaha. I still don't let her forget that one!:bunny:
That brings back a very very similar story about my little sister too! Back in the late fifty's they has a restaurant at the top of the airport in Phoenix (maybe 3 floors up in those day's) and you could watch the plane's land while you ate dinner. Anyway, as we were walking back out to our car my little sister pointed to this new Pontiac and said, Oh look at the pretty new Grand Pricks. I was probably in the 5th grade, and thought I'd die laughing.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I got a funny kid story, too. Back when they were building Manny's condo's, we were camping at Playa Miramar, way before Smuggler's Cove days and my friend's little girl, she must have been 8, said, "Can we stay in the new condom's sometime, dad?" We like to died laughing and she got really mad! Out of the mouths of babes.....
Rosy on another Thread just wrote the below.

On Friday a shootout occurred at the Circle K in Sonoyta, leaving Jose Luis Valdes Ontiveros wounded and hospitalized. On Monday morning, the suspect in the shooting, Leonel Boroquez Bejarano, was involved in a car chase as he attempted to flee from authorities.

Bojorquez Bejarano was wounded prior to being captured, and as a result was transported to the Santa Fe Clinic in Puerto Penasco at approximately midday on Saturday. Armed guards were placed outside the clinic as a precaution. After being treated and released by doctors, Bojorquez Bejarano was being transported back to Sonoyta when the ambulance he was riding in was intercepted by an armed commando at kilometer 32 of the Penasco-Sonoyta Highway. The men stopped the ambulance and forced Bojorquez to accompany them.
There were no reports of injury to medical or police staff on hand at the time.
Immediately after Bojorquez was taken (about 4:30pm) state police and military officers were mobilized and checkpoints were placed at the entrances to Sonoyta and Puerto Penasco.

I guess the information I wrote about in this thread was real. I am also told two narcos WERE killed in a shootout with Navy men in Rocky Point last week and that it is being kept hush, hush. I am not leaving my home in Los Conchos. I am also told another Ford F250 truck was stolen outside Capones last week. I am also told a american couple was hijacked on the highway on the weekend and the narcos took off in there car leaving the americans alone on the road. Belive this people.
Reportjones....if I came across harsh in my previous post, it was because of the highlighted portion of your post. We have seen several unsubstantiated stories on the Forum....some completely false. A couple of your "I am told's" have been reported on here before.....or are old "news".....

Your statement over not leaving your Las Conchas house came across as a "bunker" attitude.....if I owned a home in Las Conchas, I don't know how much I would leave and come into town....but it would't be because of potential violence.....there is no guarantee that you are safe in you house out on the beach either!

I won't make any comments on the spelling of Las Conchas....:rofl:

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Linda and I were not safe in OUR house in Las Conchas. We were forcibly taken out by the police in the night at the word of our caretaker-even tho we had our trust in our possession at the time. I suppose they could have taken us anywhere if I had not been on the phone with the consulate....who knows what could have happened. All it takes is someone willing to do anything to get what you have. Just be careful who you associate with. It can happen in Las Conchas as well as anywhere else.

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Not to mention that over the years, we sent many friends and family down thinking and telling them that Hernandez would help them if they needed anything while staying at our house. What potential danger did we put them in? I cringe at the thought that I felt my own kids were safe down there if he was there...knowing now what he is capable of doing and has done....gives me nightmares.