Look at this website. Translate it through Google. It reports on several narco killings in Roicky Point I have never heard of until now. Like the 3 dead guys buried outside town, execution death of a man from Juarez, 9 kilos of meth confiscated, a gang of robbers buglarizing homes, 51 year old robbed and shot to death, and the mexican navy getting in a gunbattle and 2 navy men killed. All of this in the last 4 months in Rocky Point.
I do have to agree, that you are taking that translator to seriously, you might want to use a dictionary and better yet ask someone that speaks spanish to translate for you properly so you better understand what they are talking about.
One clarifications "narcomenudista" is not a drug lord, is what you might call in Tucson or Phoenix your typical "dealer" with guns and all, just like at home!! and also gets on gunfights with the police, could or couldn't be gangs too, just like at home.
One thing I did noticed after scanning and only reading some of them is that from whatever date that links is, to January 2010, all the reported incidents happened in Tucson and/or Phoenix in one day, Flagstaff might be different, someone from there might be to have a better idea, I do not know, possibly 4 month!!.
It is exactly as I tell people, the regular crimes that happens in a regular basis, not related to any major drug cartels, as it happens in any USA town or city, also happen in Rocky Point and, as at home, in the areas that those type of elements hang around, too.
I do not deny that some more scalated crimes, as is the case with the Chief of Police, might not happen as often as it does in Mexico and for the reasons that they happen, however as someone said before, as they also have investments here, it will not be prudent for them to try to eleminate their source of income by using their tactics and purposely injuring any tourists.
By the way yesterday was just perfect, spent most of the afternoon swimming, I am ~~~HAPPY~~~ to say that there were no jellyfish in the water, so hopefully they are gone for good!!, about 85 degrees, a nice cool breeze blowing and eventhough it was humid it did not matter as I spend most of the time in the water anyway!!
And that is where I am heading right now!! :eek3:
PS: barrilitos is pretty good, I must add!!specially ice cold!!