Forum Moderation

"Jungle Rot".......yes as a matter of fact I have had the pleasure to be the victim of it many times. Wonderful memories of mushrooms poking their little white heads from inside my combat boots in the morning and the clusters of straw mushrooms happily at home in my armpits and crotch. And the smell, the smell............reminds me of most sand monkeys I've had the displeasure of getting too close to.

I do find it amusing that all along you knew that I knew just what a Tico is. Why then did you play along and avoid admitting it to your faithful constituents?

Can't we just kiss and be friends?



Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
See? I'm feeling the love already. Despite any of us occasionally getting our panties in a bunch, I'm willing to bet if all of us got together for a beer, we'd have a fabously good time!

And just think... when was the last time any of us had to anewer a "Do I need a passport" thread?


I do brush my tooth sometimes once a week and gargle with everclear several times a day, no bad breath from me. Some people even tell me that my sweet breath smells, like the little yellow crystal thing-ee hanging on the edge of a gas station urinal. How nice.

And Tico, one liners with a single infantile dirty word just doesn't cut it. Please express yourself and entertain us with maybe two sentences next time? Grab a thesaurus, you might discover that the words "asshole" and "ass" can have many choice options, especially in Mexican, just ask Bobbie.



"Jungle Rot".......yes as a matter of fact I have had the pleasure to be the victim of it many times. Wonderful memories of mushrooms poking their little white heads from inside my combat boots in the morning and the clusters of straw mushrooms happily at home in my armpits and crotch. And the smell, the smell............reminds me of most sand monkeys I've had the displeasure of getting too close to.

I do find it amusing that all along you knew that I knew just what a Tico is. Why then did you play along and avoid admitting it to your faithful constituents?

Can't we just kiss and be friends?

Think they are both Trump fans you guys can wave the Confederacy traitor flag and insult black people next happy hour at the Boobar!
Hey Jerry.....................

Trump fan yes, I even voted twelve times just like the Demo-Rat-Commies did, used the names of all of my dead Johnny Reb relations, lots of Davis in the past, just a simple matter of mail in ballots that I pinched from the neighborhood mail boxes and delivered in person on election day. The Yuma Mexican polling station voter inspectors get lost with just two names "James Davis" on a ballot. Never owned the stars and bars but I do fly the "Don't Tread on Me" bandera next to Old Glory in my front yard, have been for more than thirty years now.

No Confederate Army unit, general or soldier has ever been "dissed" (Negro Jargon) by the United States of America, until now. Every US Army Post south of the Mason Dixon Line to include all of the west are named in honor of Confederate Army Generals. All US Army Posts north of the line are named in the honor of Union Army Generals. My US Army Air Cavalry unit fought on horseback with pistols and sabers in the War Between the States and kicked the crap out of every squadron of Blue Coat Cavalry invaders that were way out of their lines of support. That unit, the Second Squadron, First Cavalry Brigade still sport a grey Johnny Reb Stetson hat on every trooper in honor of those brave horse soldiers. They did very good a few years later against the butchering barbarian red heathens as well.

Probably gonna label me a RACIST, well big deal, I am and damned proud of my Caucasian heritage, language and civil upbringing.

And by the way, I don't recall ever seeing any "black people" to insult at the Boob Bar. Although I gotta admit I've never been in it or ever will.



Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Hey Stuart--do I need a passport now to get on your boat?
Naaaahhhh, but you'll have to ask Capt. Keith if you want to go out on my boat -- I sold it to him a month ago. So, I'm currently boatless for awhile, but plan on buying another one at some point. Going back to a center console, something in the 26-28 ft range.

The Man

"Dropped a lot and the quality of the forum, has really decreased".
Seems to me that this form is alive and doing well! Maybe viewers who is thought to drop off because of
Facebook, or whatever, I bet they still come back, and log on here to see whats going on,,,,on this forum, and
like me, use Facebook, but always drop by here to see whats going on! I'm just talked out, for people
who know me find it had to most of the time I bet most do still drop by to read whats
going on! About quality, if thats what people have to say, what I say, is so be it! I personally,
don't like a ton of rules! So what I say, and a dine will not get ya a cup of coffee, but
this site is doing ok and is alive and well!