HEY INK, I hope you are talking about me because Im ready to do this like the shootout at the OK Corral. Here we go, lets review the quote.
You can pass this on if you wish. There is a HUGE Federal Military stop in full operation as I write, 6/21/10 Noonish, close to the entrance to the Pinacate. Fully armed and uniformed military as reported, not Federal or local police. All vehicles are being stopped, people are required to exit the vehicle and it is carefully inspected.
I just drove up Calle 13 and was passed by a convoy of no less than 15 PP Police cars heading down toward the Hotel del Sol and Pinacate Condos. Lights no sirens. Could not see where or if they stopped. I'm heading down there now to see what I can see.
First of all, let me explain why I didnt reply to your re-attack. Im laying in the hospital with a broken back and the least of my concerns is arguing with you. On a day to day basis I awake at 730 am here at St Joes and do physical therapy till 300pm in the afternoon.
I can't really understand the pain you are going thru right now, I have to say that I have been very lucky that I have never been in your position and neither would like to be.
Now, Im not going to lie, when I saw the comment about no worries your not the person I was referring to its someone else that has the fortitude to say something to somebody and then not respond.
I immediately knew you were talking about me.
There you go you say you knew but you did not know really, you were assuming so
I suddenly had this new found energy to put my hand on my D#$% and grab it hard, sack up and tell you that you have no arguement. This leads me to say HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE weeeeeeeee GOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Let me break down the quote for you. Kenny's friend said, "... Noonish, close to the entrance to the Pinacate". Furthermore, Kenny's friend goes on to say, " I just drove up Calle 13 and was passed by a convoy of no less than 15 PP Police cars heading down toward the Hotel del Sol and Pinacate Condos. Lights no sirens. Could not see where or if they stopped. I'm heading down there now to see what I can see". OK INKS, now this is the extremely hard part for me but its fact. I ASSUMED because nowhere does Kenny's friend say PINICATE RESERVE, furthermore he goes on to talk about being near the PINICATE CONDOS and CALLE TRECE. I ASSOCIATED the word PINICATE with the WORDS PINICATE CONDOS and CALLE TRECE, which is how I came up with my ASSUMPTION. Now that being said, you also HAVE MADE AN ASSUMPTION because nowhere does Kenny's friend say PINICATE RESERVE. So likewise you ASSUMED or ASSOCIATED THE WORD PINICATE in your case with PINICATE RESERVE.
Now, that sounds more like you are trying to say, that I assumed something, when, what I did, was deduce, since Condos Pinacate are located in a dead end there is no point in having a checkpoint there, so the checkpoint he is talking about must be by the entrance of La reserva del Pinacate
If you can admitt like I have admitted that you used an ASSUMPTION TO COME TO A CONCLUSION
then we wont have any problems.
I am sorry if you used an assumtion to get to your responce, yo use deduccion and I plea the fifth!!
If you admitt that nowhere in that quote is any factual information that says Pinicate Reserve than we are cool.
I do have to admit there is no factual imformation at all in that statement when it comes to mentioning that the checkpoint was located at the entrance of La Reserva el Pinacate.
However, as you mention you assumed I did not comprehend what I was reading to start with, or the others for that matter,
MJ post #95:
To the people that are reporting there aren't military checkpoints on Mexico 8 from Sonoyta to RP, you guys must have the worst reading comprehension ever.
Now, that is what got me tinking!!!!!
Kenny's buddy was saying there was a military checkpoint in the Calle Trece region of RP near the Penasco Del Sol and Pinicate Condos, not on the highway. He never once mentioned checkpoints on the way to RP from Sonoyta.
hhhmmm!! now you are stating that the checkpoint is located in Condos Pinacate!! for sure when what he said was : " I just drove up Calle 13 and was passed by a convoy of no less than 15 PP Police cars heading down toward the Hotel del Sol and Pinacate Condos. Lights no sirens."
how much do you comprehend yourself or are you reading too much into it?
Comprende!! what a coinsidence they spell the same!! :eek3: