Penasco Police Chief Landagaray critical after ambush

Manny Sanchez

Vir sapit qui pauca loqui
~~~ Russ should keep his ~~~ BIG MOUTH SHUT ~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~~~ And put the cotton candy away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~~~ and quit his damn ~~~ CHEERLEADING, & LIE TELLING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY, be nice, Russ is in the US. Some of his family passed away in a terrible car accident in Tuscon.


User is currently banned
HAPPY, be nice, Russ is in the US. Some of his family passed away in a terrible car accident in Tuscon.
Manny, ~~~ Thank you for advising me of this, I am very, very, sorry to hear this, ~~~ Russ as well as his family & friends has my condolence's
in this time of sorrow, ~~~ of recent there has been a flurry of accidents in Tucson that we have heard of.

brother d

this does not read good, what is the reason for the attempted killings? Do not get it.
This is a warning to everyone. Now the individual policeman will be offered "silver or lead? your choice amigo"...meaning take a bribe or you are next. they want to own Rocky Point apparently.
The last paragraph from the news story in the El Sol del Caborca online newspaper about the Police Chief says this........".While the frequency police officer in Puerto Penasco be heard threatening voices saying they would "break" all the police if they tried to stop them, leaving a mute silence of fear in the environment and the ranks of the officers."

the translation is not so good but gives an window of perhaps what is going on.
I don't like to copy and paste but I can't get the link to post but heres the whole article if interested.

A cunning and cowardly attack leaves between life and death to the Director of Police of Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, assault occurred on Saturday June 19 at the edge of midnight.
Mr. Francisco Erick Landagaray 34-year-old who serves as Director of the Municipal Police of Puerto Peñasco, was attacked by gunmen leaving him badly wounded with five impacts of large-caliber weapon.
Her bodyguard named Luis Huerta Ibarra are injured but not seriously, while the police chief surgical repair and subsequently moved out of town, under heavy police device.
The attack was recorded when the Director circulated in a unit of the newly provided by the Government of Rivers State in the street near the warehouse Suchiate company Bimbo.
It was announced unofficially that the gunmen boarded a vehicle brand Jeep, Cherokee line black, who left the scene more than fifty shell casings of high-powered weapons.
Different police forces including the Navy of Mexico, PGR, PEI, implemented a search operation to track down the gunmen who fled in an unknown direction.
In the hospital where he was the Director of Police will present the Mayor of this port Alejandro Zepeda Munro, to provide moral support to the family of two policemen injured.
While the frequency police officer in Puerto Penasco be heard threatening voices saying they would "break" all the police if they tried to stop them, leaving a mute silence of fear in the environment and the ranks of the officers.
Last Updated (Sunday, June 20, 2010 8:52
Anita, in my original report I mentioned that it was rumored that local law enforcement had been warned on their own radio frequency. The exact words used have varied, depending on who is doing the telling, so I opted to not be specific. Rumors are going crazy and I intend to supply the truth without fueling any fires. I can assure you that none of the other news sources have information that I don't have. The minute I hear more, you'll all be the first to know. Promise.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I heard from a reliable source that the police chief passed away this morning. Very sad, god bless him and his family.
It's hard when good people put there life on the line for the good of others. Anyone who takes a postion of leadership and tries to clean up corruption gets high marks in my book. Our prayers are with his family and the next person who steps into his shoes.

Cholla Bay
I heard from a reliable source that the police chief passed away this morning. Very sad, god bless him and his family.
Suart, he isn't out of the woods yet, but he has not died. After seeing this post I called Fausto again just to confirm that he is still clinging to life. With each passing hour that he survives, his chances become that much better. Keep him in your prayers. I've been assured that any major changes will be sent to me and Manny, so be patient.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Suart, he isn't out of the woods yet, but he has not died. After seeing this post I called Fausto again just to confirm that he is still clinging to life. With each passing hour that he survives, his chances become that much better. Keep him in your prayers. I've been assured that any major changes will be sent to me and Manny, so be patient.
That's good news then. And indeed, he is in my prayers. I had heard this via phone just a short time ago from someone with family ties, but personally have no way of confirming it. But I'm glad to hear that he is still clinging to life.


Looks like the chief will live so i think this posting from a guy on kgun 9 forum is within bounds:
"never hang out in front of a place called the ..."Bimbo"'re just asking for trouble"


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Was just on the 12:00 news KVOA ch 4 Tucson ~~~ they are reporting that each man took 6 - AK- 47 slugs, ~~~

also reported that the mayor of Juarez Mex. was slain last nite, ( showed video ) ~~~ more than likely all chs. will have it @ 5:30 & 6:00 tonite

& did see the ch 3 Px. clip posted here ~~~


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
This is what you tell your friends:

RP is still safer than a lot of cities in the US.
I was waiting for someone to say this. It's the oldest argument in the world and doesn't mean a darned thing.

"Safe" is perception more than reality. That goes for anywhere. Would I feel safe in Chicago, as your link describes? Mostly, I would. But not in the neighborhoods where the black-on-black violence described in your link is taking place. Or Detroit... or DC... or wherever. I (and the majority of us) wouldn't be in those neighborhoods to begin with, anymore than I'd be hanging out in the gang barrios in South Phoenix or Tucson. That's just asking for trouble, unless you belong there, even if you do belong there. Does it make the violence justified? No, it doesn't.

The type of violence happening in Sonora right now is about two things - retribution and control. You can cite a thousand different links about US cities and the violence within them, but you won't be able to cite cases where the established civic leadership - mayors, police chiefs, journalists, ministers, etc. - are currently being ambushed and gunned down execution style as they are throughout Mexico. Sure, there is the occasional whack job that takes a gun and goes after city hall here in the U.S. But it's not the orchestrated terrorism like that occuring in Mexico. Bodies being mutilated, heads cut off and rolled down the halls of public buildings, or bodies hung from overpasses. Sick, sick stuff, knowingly done to invoke fear and send a strong message about who really is in control.

The movie "Apocalypse Now" comes to mind. The story Marlon Brando tells near the end before being beheaded of how his Airborne company innoculated all the children of a village, only to return the next day to find a pile of cut-off arms in the village square. He understood what it took to be able to do this and the sheer terror it invoked. Those same words come to mind now - "The horror... the horror..."

So, back to perception. We see the beautiful beaches, the condos, the friendly folk and we have a perception of safety, as well we should. Nothing bad is supposed to happen in paradise. But there is a reality that escapes us as gringos, one that we don't readily want to admit - what is happening in the rest of Mexico is starting to show its ugly face in the place we know, love and have always felt perfectly safe in - Puerto Penasco.

Will I still go? Yes, but I probably won't take my family. Will I feel safe doing it? Not as safe as I used to, but that's my perception. While I'm willing to put any concerns about my own safety aside, I'm not so quick to do so for the rest of my family. This could be the end of the violence, or it could only be the beginning. Only time will tell.


Violence can happen anywhere at any time. I have to drive through some crappy neighborhoods just to get to work everyday unless I go 20 minutes out of my way. Am I going to stop driving the normal route? No? I'm also not going to live my life in fear. I had to go to Juarez 3 times last year - if I lived through that I'll live through a few RP trips.


I miss Duna's
I feel really bad for the people of Penasco in light of the current violence. Don't you think that there will be a huge "police" presence which could actually improve the situation for visitors from now on?