Arizona board member responds to LA boycott over SB1070


Arizona board member responds to LA boycott over SB1070
posted at 2:55 pm on May 18, 2010
by Ed Morrissey

The Los Angeles City Council voted to boycott the state of Arizona over its new immigration-enforcement law, and now the Arizona Corporation Commission has responded. Gary Pierce, one of the commissioners chosen in state-wide elections to the utility regulation panel, notes that Los Angeles gets about 25% of its power from Arizona producers. If the City of Angels really wants a boycott, Pierce offers his services to help, as he explains in a letter to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa:

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Dear Mayor Villaraigosa;

I was dismayed to learn that the Los Angeles City Council voted to boycott Arizona and Arizona-based companies — a vote you strongly supported — to show opposition to SB 1070 (Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act).

You explained your support of the boycott as follows: “While we recognize that as neighbors, we share resources and ties with the State of Arizona that may be difficult to sever, our goal is not to hurt the local economy of Los Angeles, but to impact the economy of Arizona. Our intent is to use our dollars — or the withholding of our dollars — to send a message.” (emphasis added)

I received your message; please receive mine. As a state-wide elected member of the Arizona Corporation Commission overseeing Arizona’s electric and water utilities, I too am keenly aware of the “resources and ties” we share with the City of Los Angeles. In fact, approximately twenty-five percent of the electricity consumed in Los Angeles is generated by power plants in Arizona. If an economic boycott is truly what you desire, I will be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements so Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation. I am confident that Arizona’s utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands.

If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona’s economy.

People of goodwill can disagree over the merits of SB 1070. A state-wide economic boycott of Arizona is not a message sent in goodwill.

Sincerely, Commissioner Gary Pierce


thanks for the link garyd.... i just lost a 20,000 dollar entry door for a remodel project near Laguna because my shop is in Arizona. .I told the guy that I'm from friggin tucson..we hate Phoenix Republicans way more than you do so why punish us...crap Guys like Gary Pierce are the reason i won't have a new pickup for the Mexican narcos to steal this year.


...crap Guys like Gary Pierce are the reason i won't have a new pickup for the Mexican narcos to steal this year.[/QUOTE]
I am confused by your post. Do you think it was Pierce's letter that cost you the sale?


Pierce is a rightwing backer of this bill that any thinking person knew would hurt Arizona's economy.He is part of the problem.This was not a surprise outside of the Az GOP "epistemic bubble" that just ended up costing me 20 grand.
QUOTE=garyd;19864]...crap Guys like Gary Pierce are the reason i won't have a new pickup for the Mexican narcos to steal this year.[/QUOTE]
I am confused by your post. Do you think it was Pierce's letter that cost you the sale?[/QUOTE]


Phoenix Republicans. Tucson Republicans. Doesn't matter what part of the state the legislators come from. This passed through the House and the Senate as a whole. I'd be willing to bet the 38 cents I have in my wallet that if you look at the voting history on the bill, Tucson Republicans voted for it.

Good for Gary Pierce. I don NOT support the bill but boycotting all of AZ is ridiculous.


Pierce is a rightwing backer of this bill that any thinking person knew would hurt Arizona's economy.He is part of the problem.This was not a surprise outside of the Az GOP "epistemic bubble" that just ended up costing me 20 grand. People of goodwill can disagree over the merits of SB 1070. A state-wide economic boycott of Arizona is not a message sent in goodwill.

Sincerely, Commissioner Gary Pierce


Calif has the same bill, just not enforced. I say cut their power!!! Illegal is Illegal....since 9-11 we need to know who's here in this country. Its a different world now


I'm glad I didn't vote for this democrat What a congressman...
I completely agree with Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva: It's time to punish Arizona. If Governor Jan Brewer refuses to veto state Senator Russell Pearce's bigot bill SB 1070, then those who oppose it need to support an economic boycott of the state.
Tuesday on MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann, in a segment amusingly entitled "State Out of Mind," Olbermann interviewed Rep. Grijalva, who laid out a plan for a tentative boycott.
"We're asking organizations," he told Olbermann, "civic, religious, labor, Latino, organizations of color to refrain from using Arizona as a convention site, to refrain from spending their dollars in the state of Arizona until Arizona turns the clock forward instead of backwards and joins the rest of the union."
Indeed, Arizona needs to be quarantined from the rest of the nation, isolated and sanctioned until there's a regime change, much like South Africa under apartheid was in the 1980s.


Well this whole thing is just getting ridiculous. I'm all for shutting of CA's power, not just because of the boycott but because they are so arrogant as to have such restrictive emissions laws then see no problem with having their power produced here and dirtying our air. However, what's next? Are they going to shut off our oil pipelines?


Kinder Morgan pipeline 70% of our gas....i think the fact our gas comes from Cali slipped the car salesman turned Corporate commissioners mind,,,,funny


Well we get some from Cali too, as well as El Paso. There was talk about a pipeline from Mexico too that I remember reading about, but that probably died out like the refinery in Tacna. Imagine what would happen to our gas prices then!


Stay Thirsty My Friends
If nothing else, SB1070 only demonstrates to me that there are now way too many laws on the books. It has surpassed the level of being merely ridiculous. laws that are ambiguous, laws that contradict other laws, laws that have no basis in preserving the liberties of the masses.

Too many laws, and WAY too many STUPID laws.

1070 is little more than a refreshment of existing mandates to enforce FEDERAL regulations surrounding immigration policy. Nothing more, nothing less.

California has similar statutes in their penal code, so why should anyone in California be offended by Arizona's actions? The only valid answer is that they shouldn't be offended at all- people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

And why should the Dems in DC (or anywhere else) be offended by Arizona's actions? The only answer is that they shouldn't. What they should be doing is pursuing the only valid legal way out of this mess- which would be to return America to the principles it was founded on- Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ANYONE who wishes to call themselves AMERICAN.

The most telling statistic I've found is that 99% of LEGAL Mexican-American immigrants SUPPORT the passage of 1070. That's all I need to hear.

It is not the AZ Republicans that are dividing the masses over this issue, IMO- it is the Latinos who wish to live with the freedom and opportunity that America provides, without acknowledging the cultural heritage of liberty that others fought and died for in order to grant them these freedoms and opportunities.

America is NOT a country... America is an Ideal. If you cherish the ideal, then please be proud enough to ask yourself why you resist calling yourself an American.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
If nothing else, SB1070 only demonstrates to me that there are now way too many laws on the books. It has surpassed the level of being merely ridiculous. laws that are ambiguous, laws that contradict other laws, laws that have no basis in preserving the liberties of the masses.

Too many laws, and WAY too many STUPID laws.

1070 is little more than a refreshment of existing mandates to enforce FEDERAL regulations surrounding immigration policy. Nothing more, nothing less.

California has similar statutes in their penal code, so why should anyone in California be offended by Arizona's actions? The only valid answer is that they shouldn't be offended at all- people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

And why should the Dems in DC (or anywhere else) be offended by Arizona's actions? The only answer is that they shouldn't. What they should be doing is pursuing the only valid legal way out of this mess- which would be to return America to the principles it was founded on- Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ANYONE who wishes to call themselves AMERICAN.

The most telling statistic I've found is that 99% of LEGAL Mexican-American immigrants SUPPORT the passage of 1070. That's all I need to hear.

It is not the AZ Republicans that are dividing the masses over this issue, IMO- it is the Latinos who wish to live with the freedom and opportunity that America provides, without acknowledging the cultural heritage of liberty that others fought and died for in order to grant them these freedoms and opportunities.

America is NOT a country... America is an Ideal. If you cherish the ideal, then please be proud enough to ask yourself why you resist calling yourself an American.
One last point I wanted to make on this topic:

A person who is truly free should not be told where they can (or can't) live, work, or play... immigration laws do not prevent crime, nor do they serve to protect private property. They are therefore worthless to a properly functioning free society.

America was once called "the melting pot" - The only culture that existed within these borders that we could truly call American at its core was the culture of tolerance. True freedom and independence can not exist without tolerance.

Isn't it funny how many antithetical viewpoints (racism, bigotry, prejudice) are typically imported into the US from other cultural backgrounds?

If SB1070 promotes racism or division, then explain to me how the LA boycott will serve to prevent racism or division...? Have two wrongs EVER made a right? Do the Bible, Koran, Torah, or any other major religious document promote the challenging of injustice with further injustice?

If the world had no national borders, then humanity would quickly set to work erecting cultural borders. That is the real shame that we humans all share.
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2 salty dawgs
wanted to post a quick bit of info - there are 2 folks with similar names here -
Senator Russell Pearce who started SB1070, and then the ACC commisioner Gary Pierce who wrote the letter to Calif.

honestly, I think they're both a piece a work, and should be handcuffed together for eternity.
Regardless of what we think of either or both of the Pierce/Pearce's, if their actions get the federal government to effectively address illegal immigration and immigration reform, they will have accomplished more than most of our elected representatives!!! The topic has been in the news more in the last 3-4 weeks...and I'm talking about the national media, than it had been in the last 3-4 years.

I just love the comments you hear from the current administration that (and I'm paraphrasing) it is a difficult topic to address in an election year.....translation....the incumbents don't have the cajones to take on a difficult topic when they're scared that they may lose in the election.
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El Pirata
Yep everyones going to get legal now, and they will be able to apply for aid legally and the ones that can't will get deported for 10 years. Its a double edge sword one way or the other.


the 15 million people already here need to be part of the solution.i know you guys like the picture of Jambing them in Boxcars and shipping them out of the state(which Arizona Business interests and Copper Barons did to the union miners in Bisbee in 1917) but the reality is two fold
A. a fence is impossible on much of the border
B. 15 million people is a ****load and most of them are going nowhere
Thanks to the NRA they can all go to gun shows and fill the old 1992 Toyota sr5 with guns and ammo if this deportation starts ....i know i would