

Lets hear all the remedies to get rid of these beasts. At the office one lives in the microwave (which is used daily ) one lives in the freezer, which is fully operational, one crawled up to my lunch sandwich yesterday, they occasionally crawl out of the keyboard when I'm typing. We've tired all the usual remedies and sprays with little to no effect. They seem to be indestructable. They are all dressed in blue with capes and the letter C on the shirt, any one got any Kryptonite?


Lets hear all the remedies to get rid of these beasts. At the office one lives in the microwave (which is used daily ) one lives in the freezer, which is fully operational, one crawled up to my lunch sandwich yesterday, they occasionally crawl out of the keyboard when I'm typing. We've tired all the usual remedies and sprays with little to no effect. They seem to be indestructable. They are all dressed in blue with capes and the letter C on the shirt, any one got any Kryptonite?


Sprinkle some muriatic acid or roach powder which is cheap along in the corners of wall to floor where they run. It's worked for me and isn't toxic to pets.


You might loose a few customers, but play RAP music for a week. They'll either be gone, or so crazy they'll kill themselves and each other.
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Undiluted spectracide!!!!!!!!! I used gallons and I mean gallons on my house, walls, yard and property line when I moved in in '81. I haven't had a problem since. Someone told me a while back that you cannot get that here anymore. I haven't looked in Mexico...... And I had to move my pets to my sisters for a week. But, 1 week of hell and a massive cleaning is worth the almost 30 years since!!! I've always heard that roaches are the only thing that could survive a nuke. I guess that's right.
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If you live in the city with a sewer system they may be comming from there. The live in the lines and come up through your tiolet. Call the city and ask them to come and decontaminate.
And do as recommended above to get rid of what you have.
I also use a # 12 shoe


buy half Pollo Lucas, no beans and put it in the fardest corner you can find in your office or depending how long they have been there, just go ahead an raise the rent, they might pick up and go!!


We kept a travel trailer in RP for six or seven years. We had cucarachas the first year. I sprinlled muriatic acid powder (hydrochloric acid i9n powder form) along the baseboards and the backs of cupboards. They disapeared that year and we never had any more. Hydrochloric acid is the acid your stomach secretes to help digest food. Non-toxic.


:party::party:La Cucaracha=La Cucaracha=No lo mota cominar! La Cucaracha=La Cucaracha=No lo mota cominar.:party::party:
I love this BB, it can be soooo expressive.
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Never heard the song??? It is a Classic. La Cucacracha! And those are the original words. It is just a folk song about the cucacrachas eating the mota. Apparently it was a family commody that they did not want the bugs to eat???
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Well, of course I have heard it. A million times!

I heard it as:
La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Ya no puede caminar,
porque no tiene, porque le falta,
marihuana pa' fumar


A little somthing that might just.[video=youtube;2Bb1LblTLF0][/video]


WELL DONE!! Well there you go I stand corrected; I guess I mis understood, or maybe thats the way I heard it, or maybe thats the way I wanted to hear it. In either case I am rather proud of the way my post came out with the dancing/smoking banditos. :party::party:
But in the words of an old contractor, whom I worked for back in the 60's, Don't confuse me with the facts, when my mind is already made up.
Kenny, thanks, I do remember Leo Carillo and....Ahi Pancho....Ahi Cisco...
I will still stick to my rendition when I am drunk and singing it in the La Taverna in Guaymas!! Maybe that's why I get so many laughs>
Kenny, where on earth do you come up with this stuff....It was very approiate(sic) but you have too much time on your hands!?
Thanks again for the memories. I have already watched it 15 times in the last 10 Min. Mota.
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
No, it's just the thought of exploding cockroaches......Eeuuuwwwwww! What could be more disgusting than cockroaches? EXPLODING cockroaches!!!!!

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡muy importante!!!!!!!! It's boric acid....not muriatic or hydrocloric!!!!!!!!! Those other 2 would let off toxic fumes and burn whatever or whomever they touched!!!!!!!!! It does work very well and you can squirt it right on them. The only place i ever found it was in an ace hardware.


:party::party:La Cucaracha=La Cucaracha=No lo mota cominar! La Cucaracha=La Cucaracha=No lo mota cominar.:party::party:
I love this BB, it can be soooo expressive.
La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminar proque no tiene, porque le falta mariguana pa' fumar!!
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