I think we are aware they are in the waters, the question is why they are coming so close to the shores when in most cases there is no pray they are use to hunting.
I should of been more clear in my earlier post.
Opportunistic feeders. They will indeed follow a bait school into the shallows as Brokenwave mentioned. Off the coast of South Africa, there is an island where they will come right up from the shallows and snatch baby sea lions. The "flying sharks" if you will, who are the only ones that exhibit this kind of behavior in the world.
Also, if you consider most attacks by great whites (or even tiger sharks) on surfers or swimmers in Cali or Hawaii, they almost always happen in relatively shallow water, often just where the waves are breaking. Same is true with bull sharks along Florida and the Gulf coast. Attacks generally happen in water no more than waist deep. But, the water there is pretty murky most of the time and the sharks are relying more on their senses than on sight to hone in on vibrations in the water.
The Puertocitos one was pretty badly injured. Had a bad prop cut along his dorsal fin and that is very likely why he was in the shallows.