I like the new airport much better then the old one. Mostly for the ramp space, I have had trouble parking a Pilatus at the old airport because the ramp was so small. The runway is very nice except for the markings, very hard to see, also runway 36 you can get LLWS. We never buy fuel at MMPE but fuel is available. Same staff as the old airport, very nice people and they like there tips(paper work gets done faster) As for paper work get a three ring binder with some clear sleeves, one for each item I.E. pilot, aircraft, Mexico, CBP, insurance, you get the point. Make two copies of every thing and put it in the binder. That way when you see the Comandante everything will be organized and he won’t need to make copies.
The airport is VFR only at this time. Services are good, the Army will meet you at the plane and ask you where you are coming from and how many passengers you have. After you are done with the Army, two girls with hand trucks will come out to help with your bags(tips) After that it’s all paperwork and paying the bills. Bring cash 20’s 10,s and five’s they will not have change most of the time and do not take credit cards yet. The drive into town is about 30 Minutes.
Hopefully this helps you out a little. Also what are you driving?