From the Republics insane right wing Mexican hating commenters comes this pearl (and a offer of free help after the next time I'm caught peeing in the pool at Las Palomas)
apigueilFeb-19 @ 10:34 AM Report abuse 53
Allow me to give you a point of view from somebody who wasn't born in Rocky Point but is from MEXICO CITY (25 million people population and people here in the north hate us) living full time here for many reasons. I don't blame Americans for being scared because the Media is very powerful. I've been living here the last 5 years, and as i said, i come from a very very big city (10 times Phoenix). ---Here, i do not suffer stress
--- i do not fight with traffic
--- beach is 5 minutes from everywhere
--- work is 15 minutes from home
--- I have a perfect tan all year long
--- I can see my feet for the clarity of the water
--- In summer all the beach looks like a big jacuzzi
--- Cholla bay is a big lagoon when the tide is up
--- I can see a lot of sea lions alive!!! also dolphins, and other animals i used to read in the books only
--- Most of my friends are American living FULL TIME HERE (maybe they don't have tv)
--- I have only heard about 4 murderers in all the time I've been here, *** but everytime i turn the TV to the arizona news, everyday something happened, including shootings to minors, to students, to exwifes, etc; Here, they were all executions for drugs (if you are in drugs, or if you sell drugs soon or later will die for it). The ten bodies somebody talked about... were on the middle of the desert not even close of Rocky Point city.... what's the matter with you? ****
--- People here, even the sellers on the beach speaks at least two languages including english... and you american???
--- Bills here are $20 usd the minor one... in Mexico city $60 ... and in Tucson??? American complain about corrupt policeman, but you are the first ones in bribe them instead go to pay the bill that usually is less than that and only take 10 minutes at most. (there are no inocent americans in jail in Rocky Point)
--- Police Station is 10 minutes from Sandy Beach and there are bilingual people there. *** If you get caught speeding, driving drunk, or making scandal, you will go to the police station until you pay the bill JUST LIKE IN USA, only a few times you will be in custodie for 24 hours and is not big deal. (IF YOU GET SCARED WHEN YOU GET CAUGHT OR YOU THINK THAT THEY ARE NOT UNDERSTANDING YOU BECAUSE THEY DONT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH, CALL ME AND I WILL BE MORE THAN GLAD TO HELP YOU 011 52 1 638 105 40 80)
--- Mexican Laws are not as hard-to-follow as the American, But in Rocky Point they are even easier to follow (if you have any question regarding what you can or you can not do, feel free to contact me too and i will guide you)...
I can follow and follow.... I am not asking you to come, because i don't live from tourism. But i do think that when you make all those kind of comments, you only listen what you want to hear, you don't think reasonable.
Thank you. Enjoy your day in the pollutioned, noisy and crowded Phoenix. Me? I'll be having fun in Manny's all weekend.
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