Old Folks Homes in RP


Is there a nice assisted living complex in RP. No Solyent green,feed them Pedegree place...something nice
Jerry....I didn't realize you were that old....:rofl:

But on a serious note...I don't know how well it would go over....Penasco is too far from the states for medical care, particular the type of emergency care that the elderly usually require/desire, although I'm sure operating costs would be considerably less then in the states.


Is there a nice assisted living complex in RP. No Solyent green,feed them Pedegree place...something nice

Only my house when the girls are here 'assisting' me. Seriously the answer is not yet. I know a guy who has made offers of a couple of the stalled condo developments with an eye to opening such a facility. Insurance and Medicare payments are the biggest obstacle I think. Blue Cross pays at a couple of hospitals in Mexico including one in Hermosillo. Medical tourism. I know a group who attempted to start that here, even said they had the backing of Mr. Telmex but one of the guys stole the seed money !!!:rofl:


Jerry....I didn't realize you were that old....:rofl:

But on a serious note...I don't know how well it would go over....Penasco is too far from the states for medical care, particular the type of emergency care that the elderly usually require/desire, although I'm sure operating costs would be considerably less then in the states.
I ask because i guy interested in my green house is leaning toward San Felipe because they have a new,nice assisted living place for his dad at the price of 1500 a month and it's supposed to be nice.In the states he was looking at 3800 a month.