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The attack of the "killer dolphins"....:shock:
Scientists, following a trail of bloody clues, have discovered that dolphins are far from the happy, peaceful creatures that humans think they know. In an article published this week, New York Times reporters cited growing evidence showing that the big animals, up to 12 feet long, are killing fellow mammals in droves, wielding their beaks as clubs and slashing away with rows of sharp teeth.

Read more at Suite101: Killer Dolphins |
Kenny....I remember seeing something on the same subject a few months ago, adn also an article a couple years ago on the small dolphin that were indigenous to the Penasco area...that were apparently decimated by another breed of dolphin....

Years ago, when I used to tow my daughter and her friends around outside the harbor in a tube, they always wanted to get in the water and "swim with" or try to touch the dolphins we saw....I never let them. They may appear cute and friendly, but it is still an animal "in the wild"!!!


Years ago when we lived in Tampico a marine biologist told me that dolphins had a dark side. I've never witnessed it, but then, few people have ever seen my dark side either.


Come to think of it since the subject was breached. My biologist friend in Vera Cruz did say that dolphins sometimes became sexually stimulated by people petting them in the ocean. You could see dolphins from nearly any beach on the Gulf of Mexico. Some pods of dolphins showed no fear of humans. They'd come right into shallow water and mingle with the bathers. Everybody loves to pet a dolphin, myself included. Sometimes they'd get stimulated and make sexual advances on the person petting them. He said that can be hard as hell to handle, especially since the bathers around you are having the pee scared out of them. No mortalities or seious injury, but the thought of being raped by a dolphin is unpleasant enough for me. I quit messing around in the water with marine mammals totally since.