Some ICE officials are continuing to hand out mis-information about the Passport issue. They just caused a lot of consternation and almost ruined Thanksgiving for one of my sons. Son Evan bought his ticket from Pa with my assurances that he did not need a passport, only an original birth certificate and Govt. issued picture ID. While fishing around on the great internet void he kept coming up with the info that a passport was required so he phoned the ICE office in LUkeville for reassurance and was told "there's no way in h--- you can re-enter with a birth certificate" so with only an hour to spare he cancelled his airline ticket (this was on Sunday) then phoned me on MOnday. I phoned the ICE office and got assurance that yes an original or certified copy of a birth certificate was adequate. With the good graces of the great Buddha he was able to get re-ticketed and will arrive here with his brother.My ex- the boys mother chose this special holiday years ago to announce that she was leaving the family and the three of us have spent the day together every year since, mostly camping in the Gila but now on the beach. This ICE hole almost ruined that.