Let the rat starve. Hope the port is finished artistically!
Hell yes.. Claudia talked up loan program to small hotel owners for upgrades...good idea....but vague on homeport cash register ..
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Wednesday, January 25th, 2017 | Posted by Redaccion
Claudia Pavlovich and Secretary of Tourism agree on boosting the sector

Promoting and investing in destinations Tourist Of Mexico and Sonora is how economic growth will take place in the face of difficult times, said Governor Claudia Pavlovich Arellano, after the Tourism Secretary, Enrique de la Madrid Cordero, presented programs to boost the sector.
Governor Pavlovich put the Megarregion, which exists in conjunction with the state of Arizona, where tourist destinations on both sides of the border are promoted, as well as generating investment benefits for the two entities.
What we have to do is very clear, bet on our force, Betting on our country, betting on what we can do in Mexico, undoubtedly we are living in complicated times, but I also have to thank the enormous opportunity I have had to generate a relationship, beyond anything else, very Important with my neighbor, the state of Arizona ??
In the company of the President of the Tourism Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Sylvana Beltrones Sánchez, Governor Pavlovich emphasized the need to promote Puerto Peñasco as one of the main tourist destinations of the entity, since it has all the resources in personal Trained as in infrastructure to attract national and international visitors.
I believe we have the opportunity to grow through a very important tool, and it is tourism, to bet on growing up around us, to visit our country, to visit our state, "he said.
During the meeting the "Improve your hotel" program was presented, where Bancomext provides financing to small and medium entrepreneurs for the remodeling and rehabilitation of facilities, in addition to the "Connect to tourism" program, which seeks to increase domestic consumption And the improvement in the quality of services and products.
In Sonora have been placed 98 million pesos of a total bag of 140 million pesos for small and medium hoteliers in the different destinations in the entity.
On the part of COFETUR in the Program for the Promotion of Tourism, as part of a collaboration agreement with Nafin, 58 credits have been granted for an amount of 93 million pesos for the one destined for projects for small and medium entrepreneurs.
The Secretary of Tourism, Enrique de la Madrid Cordero, recognized Puerto Peñasco as one of the most Attractive Of the country to be visited, so it will work together with Governor Pavlovich to detonate the region, which will give a benefit to the Sonorans and Mexicans.
I believe that there is a great project here, there are important investments, and what I would like to do is to ask the Governor and you to review it together, and see that we can work to detonate this extraordinary destiny, which will generate opportunities for People here, but especially opportunities for Mexicans ?? he said.
The president of the VIDANTA group, Daniel Chávez Morán, received an acknowledgment from Governor Claudia Pavlovich Arellano and the Secretary of Tourism, Enrique de la Madrid Cordero, for his contribution to Mexico and Sonora in the hotel and tourism field.
The authorities also visited the construction site of the Home Port, which presents a 2% advance in the dock and 55% in the escorella, with an investment so far of 491 million pesos, which also highlighted the potential of Puerto Peñasco to have a Convention Center, International Airport, connectivity with Baja California Norte and Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, as well as 5,000 rooms available to receive visitors.