Crossing 11/02 and $10,000 question.


Ran up to check the mail and shop a bit in the store at Lukeville (which by the way is well stocked with stuff) Crossing to the US was uneventful and quick, maybe 5 minutes in line. Crossing back 25 minutes later, two gents and a fem on the US side checked me out more throughly than crossing IN ! Asked the usual questions about guns and money. Like one of the dogs, the fem "alerted" to a chain hanging down off the bed of my truck, strutting around and waving her arms causing a bit of excitement, until it was pointed out that it is the chain that is supposed to hold the spare tire that sits in the back of the truck. The military member of the group smiled at this.

On the Mexican side, I was stopped again. Over the past 4 years crossing with some regularity I hit the red maybe twice. Over the past months with the changing of the guard, I have hit the red every time but one. I guess the Mexicans are trying to do their job better. The Aduana guy was very polite and only inqired how much a 5 liter box of wine cost, he likes white wine. I think I was over the limit with two boxes of wine and two bottles of hard stuff, but he passed me on. I would still be wary of trying to pass with a lot of stuff without declaring given the higher level of interest.

I am wondering why they ask on the US side if you have more than $10,000. Is it illegal to have $10,000 in cash on you? What could they do if you had that much? I understand that you can cross into Mexico with that much money if you declare it to the Aduana, but what business is that of the US officials? Can you be arrested carrying that much in downtown Tucson?


I believe that you must declare, even in USA, any amount that is $10000 or more, specially if it cash, that you recieve, to control money laundry by drug cartels and terrorist or something to that effect, I do not really know the details, since I always carry only $9999.99 with me I do not worry anyway!! :eek3:


I believe that you must declare, even in USA, any amount that is $10000 or more, specially if it cash, that you recieve, to control money laundry by drug cartels and terrorist or something to that effect, I do not really know the details, since I always carry only $9999.99 with me I do not worry anyway!! :eek3:
Just at the border? Or do you have to stop every law enforcement person you see and declare the cash in the US. It sounds nuts to me! I guess you could jusy put a sign in the window of your car:rofl:. Maybe you have to declare at you house too. Who was it that used to say "Well I declare"? Kenny??


Just at the border? Or do you have to stop every law enforcement person you see and declare the cash in the US. It sounds nuts to me! I guess you could jusy put a sign in the window of your car:rofl:. Maybe you have to declare at you house too. Who was it that used to say "Well I declare"? Kenny??
:rofl:that is funny, I just realized that I forgot to include that it is at the bank when you go to make a deposit, if it is over 10k you have to show where it came from or something like that, sorry I guess I forgot the main part of the point I wanted to make. :eek3: :notworthy:
I need to know is it 10,000 or 10,00.01. If I bring down a cashiers check for
$ 10,000.00 do I need to declare it as it is not cash. ?

Terry C

I believe they ask, do you have more than $10,000.00 cash. They have also asked how much DO you have. Every time it’s different. Some don’t even look at you asking the questions.


By international agreement, you need to declare carrying more than $10,000 either leaving or entering the country. In other words, in either direction crossing the border. The law does not prohibit crossing more than $10,000, only that you have to declare if you have more than this amount. That entails filling out a form for the amount in excess that you are crossing at the border inspection station.

You don't have to declare, or even state what amount you have if it is less than $10,000. However if you are asked how much money you have, and you reply $500, and are found to have $600, you can be cited for misrepresentation. If you are asked how much cash you have, I highly recommend that you do not state a specific amount, just that you have less than $10,000, less than what you have to declare.

We are rapidly becoming a police state, and we must be knowledgable of our constitutional rights, and use our best efforts to resist that from happening.

Meanwhlie, we are being over run by illegal aliens because the federal government is not enforcing its own laws against those who are clearly in violation. There are currently more illegal aliens living in our country than legal immigrants, a sad commentary on the state of our government.

Ever notice that raids on sophisticated marijuana fields growing in our national forests and national parks never result in any arrests? There was a recent major cocaine and U.s. currency seisure at an RV storage facility in Tucson, but no arrests??? It was reported that motors were running in vehicles when agents arrived. Napolitano reports that Mexican drug cartels are running drug distribution operations in 268 of our major cities, but our agents can't apprehend and arrest the operators of these organizations! Time is long overdue for U.S. citizens to ask some serious questions of those who we elect to represent us.


Not just cash, but "any monetary instrument exceeding $10,000" must be declared. The big loophole is that one can purchase a debit card for more than $10,000, and these are not required to be declared. The same applies to credit cards carrying more than a $10,000 credit limit, which most of us have.

The second largest cash flow into Mexico, the first being from oil, is from illegal aliens, mostly using Western Union. This is where the government should focus, but it won't. The cash from tourism comes in third. Of course, drug money may be really number one, but there is no way to track it.

This whole thing is nothing more than one more bogus fraud perpetrated on us by our own government. When will the people wake up and put a stop to all of this?


Crossing 11/02 and 10000 question

I used to go a lot and yep the bike meets are a Wednesday night but I stopped going due to the heavy police presence. Theres been one or two fatal bike accidents at the Scotch Piper so the police are out in their numbers.