Whale shark

Yeah ,kind of like the time there was an Orca and its baby in Lobos . It went under our 22ft inboard and scared the sheet out of me. No camera,and haven't seen one since. It's in the memory though. Leigh


The jets ski lady told us about reports of the Shark Whale on Friday. She said people who rented the jet ski had seen it. This was in Las Conchas as well.

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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Not the first time, for sure. There was one a few years back that was hanging around the entrance to the harbor for a few weeks. Saw him on several occasions, he'd cruise underneath and bump the boat a little bit. Very cool creature!

Have seen them down in Lobos, too, cruising right in along the beach in very shallow water. I was surprised to see them that close to the beach.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life

Great trip Mark put together; about 90 seconds in, the Whale Shark comes up to the boat.

Hard to tell from the video, but this guy was large. The Remora's must have been five feet long.

Hope there is not a market for Whale Shark overseas.

I heard the Chinese love them... supposed to give you the ability to live until you're 150. Big demand. I heard they dry the fins out and grind it into powder. Up the nose it goes.... CANDY IS DANDY


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I heard the Chinese love them... supposed to give you the ability to live until you're 150. Big demand. I heard they dry the fins out and grind it into powder. Up the nose it goes.... CANDY IS DANDY
Joe, kayak boy, I have some friends downstairs you should come and meet in Rants.

You'll enjoy yourself. Put yer helmet on!


Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Joe, kayak boy, I have some friends downstairs you should come and meet in Rants.

You'll enjoy yourself. Put yer helmet on!


Good lord!! WTF is going on down there and who are these NEW guests we have?! Is Happy playing 10 characters and talking to himself down there or what?! What the h#ll is a bilgerat?! I'll be honest. I read through the first two and was completely disgusted/ turned off. Maybe if you can send me a DM and fill me in... little curious.
Good lord!! WTF is going on down there and who are these NEW guests we have?! Is Happy playing 10 characters and talking to himself down there or what?! What the h#ll is a bilgerat?! I'll be honest. I read through the first two and was completely disgusted/ turned off. Maybe if you can send me a DM and fill me in... little curious.
I was wondering the same thing

I'm a member of "Dos Frios"????????????????

WTF does that supposed to mean? I thought I was in the Fishing Forum!!

I've never even opened up anything on the Rants and Raves on this site, as they are mostly just stomping grounds for brain dead types that can't find a live one to carry on a one on one intelligent conversation with and usually puff up their comments by posting ignorant cartoons and porn that they have ripped off from someone else.
