A smart ass reply, but getting PP back on it's is not too get defensive (the New York analogy is crap). Ask a Mexican what he pays, not what a New Yorker pays for a beer, and then you will get my point. You have been brainwashed into thing $2.75 is a steal, as it is with restaurant food. So, your line the coast justifies the prce. Wake up, yes a modes hike for view etc, but Mazatlan is a flourishing town, with better amenities than PP, and the absence of dirt and sand on streets etc, and the fact remains they have shrimp, 30% lower than PP, beers in the 28-32 range, and you know what, a freeking beautiful ocean, with great amenities and fishing. So, why is PP stagnated, and really hasnt changed since 2008 as far as the 'big recovery' can be explained by the fact that Americans, and Mexicans have alternatives. SO suck up your $2.75 beer, and count all the condo's for sale because so many are 'bailing out' of PP, with it's piss poor and more expensive Internet, water supply issues, and ...it goes on. It really is a shame because I like PP, but for a 'dust bowl' town siting on a wonderful Sea of Cortez coast, it will stay a vacation spot for those from Arizona, New Mexico, etc. Real estate prices will stay down, because investing there is a risk. The owner I made an offer and he accepted was going to lose at least 65% of his original purchase price, and was glad to put his bad investment and loss, behind him. I backed out of the deal because of a contingency, and could not be happier. So, smell the coffee, the Mexicans in PP are chargig what you allow them to be charge because of the 'oh look honey in the USA we would pay..bla,bla,bla,' WHo gives a crap about the USA. What are shrimp, or whatever, being charged to Mexicans, or anyone, in Mexico, not in NYC. In Chihuahua, a Bud, Corona, Tecate is $28 pesos.