
Man I've beat that Horse to death and people just don't want to think that all they've told about lard just isn't true. Kind of like _________________________________________.
True, some don't want to think that this fat might be as healthful or better than that fat. But there are others . . . admittedly few . . . who eat only plant-based things. Non-lard tortillas are likely nonexistent in RP, but I couldn't help but check.
I have two fav's. One is in Sonotya after crossing in. It's where everyone stops for liquor on the south side of the road at the split. It's next to the taco stand that has been there before I started going down back in
1991. The other place is a house on Sinaloa street off of Fremont. The house is on the east side of Sinaloa just south of the water and ice shop. Get there early. I would like to try the one by Super Ley but can't seem to get good
intel on the location.
There is a big bakery with wood fired ovens over by the ISSST store... it's operated by several guys, and the locals just line up for the fresh baked goods, they are yummy... I'll get better directions and post them later...
Hey Seadweller, any update on the directions to the bakery? Heading down in a couple of weeks and we have a couple years of being gone to make up for. You and I talked on the phone a couple years back. It was about living down there. You probably don't remember as you surely talk to a lot of people. Robert
The tortilla shop is around the corner from Rosey's restuarant, 1st or 2nd building westside of street, south of the light on Constitution called Tortillas Harina,
They have ice chests on the sidewalk with tamales.
The price varies from $2-3 a dozen depending on the lady who sells them mood. They usually stop selling by 1PM.
Fresh and warm they are very tasty. They don't freeze as well and retain their flavor as does the Daniella brand in many of the Tiendas around town.
My new favorite flour tortilla place is on Sinoloa just south of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.
2 businesses down from the OXXO around the corner from La Curva.
20 or 23 - 10" tortillas for 20 pesos, they are great and freeze well. They also have flour taco sized ones.


My new favorite flour tortilla place is on Sinoloa just south of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.
2 businesses down from the OXXO around the corner from La Curva.
20 or 23 - 10" tortillas for 20 pesos, they are great and freeze well. They also have flour taco sized ones.
Is this the one just south of Fruiteria Sinaloa? They used to cook and sell from their front porch but recently built a small building in front.