Boarder equipment

This has probarly been asked but I can not find it. Does anyone know what the equipment at the boarder is for entering the U.S.? At one point we were to stop and waite until the costoms office waived us forward. A couple of weeks ago I was scolded for doing what I have been doing for years. Basically called a liar. I was told that I was, "confusing the equipment". Now I am confused. Can someone help out on this? Thank you.
You're supposed to stop at the Stop sign until the agent waives you in....they're reading the license plate number (I assume putting it into the computer) and now they're also taking your picture as you drive up.
What other equipment are you referring to? On the side, where the commercial vehicle entry is, they have an x-ray machine that can scan a tractor-trailer, or rv. I had the "pleasure" of going thru that a few years ago with my trailer while they were still installing and testing it. They had US Army types setting it up(I think from Ft. Huachucha)....wasted about a half hour, while the Army types waited for one of the Customs guys to come over and "officially" release me.
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it reads brainwaves. the lack of which 'confuses the equipment"
It must be hell being you. Thank you for living out in the desert away from other human beings. By the way, you never told me how you dodged the draft. You neither went to Canada or to prison. I could have respected that. My guess is that you showed up to the induction center in your ballerina tutu. My guess is the police put a beatdown on you because you are a; fill in whatever low life descriptive word that fits your toxic mind.
Thank you.

Thank you.
You're supposed to stop at the Stop sign until the agent waives you in....they're reading the license plate number (I assume putting it into the computer) and now they're also taking you picture as you drive up.
What other equipment are you referring to? On the side, where the commercial vehicle entry is, they have an x-ray machine that can scan a tractor-trailer, or rv. I had the "pleasure" of going thru that a few years ago with my trailer while they were still installing and testing it. They had US Army types setting it up(I think fro Ft. Huachucha)....wasted about a half hour, while the Army types waited for one of the Customs guys to come over and "officially" release me.


There are two long metal boxes that contain, I think some sort of electromagnetic scanner that detects distortions indicating storage cavities. It cannot discriminate between two different vehicles, hence the stop sign.
Thank you.

[QThank you for taking the time to respond.UOTE=Roberto;10415]There are two long metal boxes that contain, I think some sort of electromagnetic scanner that detects distortions indicating storage cavities. It cannot discriminate between two different vehicles, hence the stop sign.[/QUOTE]


Sorry for the Joke ...Hey once I had my big stupid dog in my lap(his idea) as we was pulling through the border and the *****y little red headed guard just went ballistic on me.He said I was confusing the equipment and demanded my dogs papers.I told him the papers were on the floor of the cage in back and he could knock himself out (hey it was just so teed up) from their I earned everyone in the truck a stop at the secondary inspection area.The dogs,the honey and mother-in-law all needed to pee so I was treated with a lot of similar anger from my semi-loved ones. Sorry again X man I don't really know you so shouldn't joke.
Call it postaugust syndrome

Sorry for the Joke ...Hey once I had my big stupid dog in my lap(his idea) as we was pulling through the border and the *****y little red headed guard just went ballistic on me.He said I was confusing the equipment and demanded my dogs papers.I told him the papers were on the floor of the cage in back and he could knock himself out (hey it was just so teed up) from their I earned everyone in the truck a stop at the secondary inspection area.The dogs,the honey and mother-in-law all needed to pee so I was treated with a lot of similar anger from my semi-loved ones. Sorry again X man I don't really know you so shouldn't joke.
No problem. Thank you. We proberly would like each other. Just have to get beyond postaugust syndrome. Seems to lag into October.