I'm fine with the information he brings, but he can leave his political opinions and racial slurs at the front door - along with the weird drunken hillbilly twang style of writing. . . . He wouldn't like if it I called him an inbred bubba cracker, now would he?Lady jeeper is right about the unnecessary bad language and far be it to me to defend a central american destabilizing death squad backing hired gun ( oh and J.J. thanks alot for the flood of those central americans crossing the border to avoid the guys your team put it power) bbbbbut
- people skills no, but JJ adds a lot to the "out of the rp bubble" land and sea knowledge base.You might not need that if you just sit in your pigeon coop getting hammered and over eating baco/cheese wrapped shrimp but knowing the lay of the land,what can go wrong and who to avoid while adventuring is like found money.
- he seems to know more about the puerto Penasco fleets evil fishing practices than anyone else on the forum...I like to hear his school of hard knocks/first hand reports on the way things are more than some feel good story on school kids saving turtle nests that hide the coming collapse of the Northern gulf.