Looking to build custom home, need a builder?


Its all in your expectations, the shell of a house can be had in Phoenix for under a $100 a foot but then you get in to the finishes, doors, cabinets, flooring, windows, extra insulation, efficient appliances, efficient HVAC.......you can get above $200 easily. Do not ever be mislead by the "I can build for $125 a foot" quote, it means absolutely nothing. Also, people do not add in the fees like permits, supervision, Architecture, contractor fee...............
The last 2 places at Santo Tomas would have been disasters if a few of us did not offer on site oversite...sometimes half in the bag but still game saving....


How far are you along. We too are looking at building in Los Portales. Have they given you a price for sq. ft. yet? PM me if you don't want this public.
I just placed an offer on a lot that is beachfront. Waiting for a response. Talked to Ricardo and already looked at a contemporary home he built on Whale hill. Seems to be on the up and up. Going to ask him if I can talk to some of the people he has completed homes for.


Definitely copper pipe, and not in the slab. We know a lot of people who used pvc in the slab, and are having to rip it up.


So you guys are recommending copper pipe 1" throughout the house... no pvc?
Just like your house in the US, you have 1'' coming into the house then 1/2'' is taped off to go to sinks and toilets. Ive seen some showers with 3/4''.

It would be best if you had and architect draw you a blue print. He has electrical, structural and mechanical engineers that work with him.


Jerry what do you mean tank less? How are you set up?
The theory of sizing is smaller more pressure not volume, like a straw. Plus you need good pressure pushing the water to your house.
We are also in Encanto and would like to know who your builder is. No major needs now but we have several large maintenance issues that will need attention soon such as replacing the roof tile that has been slowly decaying from the sea breeze. :(
hola, we hired Ismael Murrieta to build for us after many glowing reports from Encanto folks. He'd be great for your upkeep.


Jerry what do you mean tank less? How are you set up?
The theory of sizing is smaller more pressure not volume, like a straw. Plus you need good pressure pushing the water to your house.
Sorry had not thought about this for a while.My problem was the gas line was 1/2 inch and farther than 24 feet from the Rinnai unit.3/4 made it work but it is complicated
Increasing to 3/4" immediately utilizes the Bournelli effect so the velocity increases for a short run and then slows down as the volume increases.
...the water line issue was the 1/2 inch on a long run before it reached the kitchen made it a slow warm up....if someone was showering forget it
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Terry C

Victor Elenes is building a house in Playa Encanto right now. He has been a builder for a long time. His email is [email protected]
I cant upload his banner he has on the house, it says error uploading file,,,it's a jpeg 243kb picture.. It won't paste on here either

The following error occurred
There was a problem uploading your file.



Victor Built my house on Encanto and a house at Portales for a friend of mine. I would recommend talking to him.