11/14 fishing report - Santo Tomas


Capitan Kathy and Scott are great...they even tolerate me! The launch from Santo Tomas gets you to Bird Island area fast.Whether exploring,fishing or a combination of both you will have a great time.Rent a place down here and the no boat people can hang on the beach,hike in the amazing dune/cactus forrests,hunt for Indian pottery or mountain bike and play frisbee golf on the course I am setting up in the dry playas

Bill, when you post something, look on the bottom right hand side of the page. There should be 3 different tabs from which you can choose either "Post Reply", Upload a File" or "More Options". Click on the "Upload a File". This will take you to your documents, libraries, etc. Depending on where your pictures are stored, you will need to go there, find the picture/pictures and double click on the ones you want to post here. At least, that's how I've done it in the past:)
It's easy once you know the routine.

1. Make sure the photo file is less than 100K in size. There are more than a few programs and sites that will resize it for you, I use Photoshop.
2. Click on the upload a file button in the lower RH corner of your post.
3. Open the folder where the pic is, I always put it in a folder on my desktop for ease of finding it.
4. Click on the pic and either add it as thumbnail or full image.
5. Post

The only issue that will prevent it from uploading is the file size, must be less than 100K in size.