Permanent Resident Card?


At this point, I would say we will be residents of both the US & MX. I definitely want to to follow the rules of both countries.


Things here are not always as they seem. There are laws on the books but sometimes there are no procedures to impliment these laws so it is left up to the officials on the ground. There is really little interest in immigration here. You get differing explanations depending on who you speak to. You can read the regs, but they are often vague and even contradictory. So, don't stress about it.


Lovin it in RP!
Yeah, well.....I would rather know what is expected from me and try to fit that than do my thing and hope nobody notices. As immigration goes, there is very little left to the imagination. I deal with immigration on a monthly basis, it is real and there are rules that must be adhered to. I don't find it wise to throw caution to the wind if you plan on having both feet on the ground here. Now on the other hand if you are here to live but never plan on staying or can bolt when it gets tough then there is nothing to worry about.


The way I understand it is as long as you are a temp resident you can keep your car lic in the US but if you go perm you must change it. At least that is the deal here in Cabo. Here, a Perm or a Mexican National can not drive a US plated car
If I am stopped in RP by the police, I have absolutly no intention of giving them my perm. residency card. Just my drivers license and proof of insurance. I don't even carry my card with me. It's in the safe at the house.


El Pirata
You will seldom get asked for visa, maybe passport crossing into Mexico, unless you are interrupting interstate commerce (homeport), they will ask for immo papers and export you back to the border empty handed, Fact...


We went today to Tucson Mexican Consult to get our permanent resident cards. They were very patient with us because it took 3 trips before we had everything. We spent more time driving home to get something. Once they had everything they told us to come back in a 1/2 hr. When we came back they would call us right up. We never had to wait. Excellent service. When I got my first FM3 15 years ago, it took all day. This was very simple.


1 yr bank statement. The SS statement that says how much I get. You either qualify by income or assets. I had both passports. The two women were very nice. We had to come back three times because we didn't have something. I also had to have a passport picture. We gave them all the stuff and went to lunch, came back and they called us up and gave us all of our paper work. We did need to know the next time we would be going to Mexico.
Are there any negatives to having a permanent resident card particularly if you still reside or spend a lot of time in the U.S.?


I had to get my first FM3 because I did work in Mexico. Then my husband had to get them because we have rental income. Supposedly it will make it easier for us to do banking. My property manager encouraged us to get this. I understand there are some benefits to having it.


I think so. You are required to register your vehicle in Mexico and get a Mexican drivers license.
Per my insurance agent in Penasco last month- "if you obtain the permanent resident , you have the right to have a Mexican Driver license and Mexican vehicle , but is not required by the law , it is not necessary is just an option.
Our recommendation to all the Americans that they leave their vehicle the way they are because it is more convenient you. Importation is expensive and you have to buy the Mexican Driver License plates and the insurance will be Mexican too."