Hopefully someone will warn the triggers your coming.Hey, that wus false advertising man! Lol.
Be there tomorrow, no matter what that video says!![]()
Says here its 87 right now but feels like 101, it will cool down by Sunday I hope to eat some fish. http://www.wunderground.com/wundermap/?lat=31.85740&lon=-112.20422&zoom=8&type=terrain&units=english&rad=1&rad.num=1&rad.spd=25&rad.opa=70&rad.type=N0R&rad.type2=&rad.smo=1&rad.stm=0&sat=0&stormreports=0&svr=0&pix=0&cams=0&tor=0&riv=0&wxsn=1&wxsn.mode=tw&ski=0&tfk=0&mm=0&ndfd=0&fire=0&firewfas=0&pep=0&extremes=0&dir=0&hur=0Thanks for the warning Perro. And the last time we only caught about 5 triggers, all released successfully. So you warning them probably worked, didn't tell the other fish though.
We wont be out on the water I am sure, and no where near Caborca. But the weather is looking pretty good for PP. Accu has it at 88 on Saturday and 91 on friday. Thats only 17 degrees cooler than where I am.....
Private Residence, stuff bought at fish market.That looks so good. Wheres that at?