11 reasons you should not visit Mexico

GV Jack

Snorin God
I don't understand it.

When I arrive, there's nobody around, all the doors are locked and the widows shuttered.

How can anyone have fun when the cops are following you all over the place.

Maybe I should try Baltimore.


El Pirata
Hey, that wus false advertising man! Lol.
Be there tomorrow, no matter what that video says!:)
Hopefully someone will warn the triggers your coming.

Ariete Caborca
45 mins ·
Ojo: Cierran puertos a navegación por "Dolores" Desde Pto.Peñasco hasta Mazatlán...!!!

Fuente El Imparcial
Los puertos desde Peñasco hasta Mazatlán serán cerrados a la navegación de embarcaciones menores de hasta 15 metros de eslora, a las 15:00 horas, por los efectos del huracán “Dolores”, que se localiza al Suroeste de Cabos San Lucas.

El coordinador de Protección Civil, Óscar Espada Cortés, informó que se ordenó el cierre de estos puertos en el Golfo de California, por la marejada y fuertes vientos que causará el fenómeno natural, categoría III, en escala Saffir Simpson, en las siguientes horas.

Señaló que las pangas, los veleros y yates turísticos que zarpen a altamar a realizar actividades de pesca, paseos y otros, lo harán bajo su propio riesgo, porque la alerta fue emitida por la Capitanía de Puerto con anticipación a los propietarios de estas embarcaciones.

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Thanks for the warning Perro. And the last time we only caught about 5 triggers, all released successfully. So you warning them probably worked, didn't tell the other fish though. :)
We wont be out on the water I am sure, and no where near Caborca. But the weather is looking pretty good for PP. Accu has it at 88 on Saturday and 91 on friday. Thats only 17 degrees cooler than where I am.....


El Pirata
Thanks for the warning Perro. And the last time we only caught about 5 triggers, all released successfully. So you warning them probably worked, didn't tell the other fish though. :)
We wont be out on the water I am sure, and no where near Caborca. But the weather is looking pretty good for PP. Accu has it at 88 on Saturday and 91 on friday. Thats only 17 degrees cooler than where I am.....
Says here its 87 right now but feels like 101, it will cool down by Sunday I hope to eat some fish. http://www.wunderground.com/wundermap/?lat=31.85740&lon=-112.20422&zoom=8&type=terrain&units=english&rad=1&rad.num=1&rad.spd=25&rad.opa=70&rad.type=N0R&rad.type2=&rad.smo=1&rad.stm=0&sat=0&stormreports=0&svr=0&pix=0&cams=0&tor=0&riv=0&wxsn=1&wxsn.mode=tw&ski=0&tfk=0&mm=0&ndfd=0&fire=0&firewfas=0&pep=0&extremes=0&dir=0&hur=0Aqui en penasco.jpg