Water Outage

We were just notified that we would be out of water next 5 to 7 days at condo in Las Conches. Outages throughout town for days for many. Anyone else?
https://m.facebook.com/109703845771031/photos/a.510538815687530.1073741840.109703845771031/849679055106836/?type=1&source=48 CFE cut the power to 3 well's, the article explains that this has caused a drop in pressure to many areas in the city..
Newspaper De FrenteSUSPEND CFE ENERGY WELLS 5, 9 and 11OOMAPAS INCOME FELL BY UP TO 75%; LOW PRESSURE WILL BE IN THE UPPER PART OF THE CITY MAYOR GERARDO HELD FIGUEROAPuerto Penasco, 30 JUNE 2015.- The drop in revenues Oomapas left the agency unable to meet the payment agreement with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), so that the parastatal proceeded to cut the energy supply wells 5, 9 and 11 that supply water to the city.During the thirty-fourth regular meeting of council, the mayor Zazueta Professor Gerardo Figueroa said the collegial body, currently Oomapas revenues collapsed by up to 75% when weeks ago was captured up to 120 thousand dollars a day, which lie income now barely reaches 20 thousand pesos.The agreement to settle the debt with CFE currently amounting to 4 million 600 thousand pesos, includes pay 35 thousand dollars a day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 70 thousand pesos on Mondays and Fridays, while on the 19th of each month a payment of 889 thousand pesos.However, the call for users to the extent possible shall be paid by the water service, has not had the expected response, hence the Federal Electricity Commission proceeded to cut the supply of three of the eleven wells, while the well number 7 is not working since the blackout on Friday, 19 June."This situation has led to a drop in water pressure throughout the city, hence the call has been repeated for the community to meet this public service. Payments need water users for the body to keep working and supplying the vital liquid city, "said Mayor Figueroa Zazueta.He also noted that because of this situation, there is provided 4 pipes supplied with water to provide the population of the vital liquid, especially in the upper parts as San Rafael and New Penasco, service could be increased according to the most pressing needs of the population.Zazueta Mayor Figueroa said that in an effort to find a solution to the problem, established communication with the superintendent of the CFE region based in Mexicali, Baja California, Ulises Celaya Pino.Finally, Mayor Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta reiterated the call for domestic and commercial users who have debt in the water service, to come to pay their debts or make a payment agreement OOMAPAS, which allows the body to cope the commitment made with CFE.Social CommunicationXXI CITY OF ROCKY POINT


CFE is damn near a cartel. I just had issues with them that essentially amounted to extortion but there are really no other options. I'd think they could run these pumps on solar or diesel. Probably less expensive in the long term


Is it safe to say, if you have a water holding tank on your house you will have water and good pressure?


Is it safe to say, if you have a water holding tank on your house you will have water and good pressure?
This can be achieved only if plumbed and wired accordingly, to be fail safe in the event of a water and/or electric outage, for an inground water tank. Unless it is a raised gravity feed it won't accomplish this otherwise.


Water has been off in the AM many days in Las Conchas for some time now.There has been water most nights. If you are careful with usage, the nightime supply should keep your tank (if you have one) holding enough water to get by.

You can check the level in your water tank regularly during the limited supply time. There are several water trucks that will haul and fill your tank for a fee. Range $60 to $150 irrespective of size of the tank.

If your tank goes dry your pump can run continuously, overheat, and burn out or melt the plastic PVC lines at the pump.

For some unknow reason, the OOMAPAS office, at which you pay for water, was moved some time back to a building out near the two Hospitals. A long trip for locals to pay their bills.

Also, there is a change in Mayors coming up and to my knowledge, there is no job protection for employees to transition to the new administration. Most locals will tell you that the employees are stealing the money anticipating being out of work. The drop in income reported is a sure indicator of this. The current mayor was head of OOMAPAS in the past.

OOMAPAS has been going around Las Conchas randomly cutting supply lines to homes. I know of several homes that had lines cut whose accounts were current. Some have lost pumps as a result of overheating when the tank goes dry. City has actually disavowed any responsibility for cutting the lines but OOMAPAS trucks and workers have been seen cutting lines and removing meters. They have also refused to reconnect many lines although the account is current. If you get cut off, some say get some PVC 'blue glue' that works in the water and simply reconnect the city supply line (but I never told anyone to do that).


This is the nice thing about having a water tank-you don't have to worry immediately about water shut downs or slow downs. Yes, it will hit you at some time in the future, but not immediately.
In Casa Grande where we have Arizona Water company if your bill is not paid on time you will get a notice of shut off within a few days.
At about 15 days they come out and lock your meter in the off position. No past due bills sure keeps the cash flow better.
It sure seems a lock would be easier than meter removal.


AKA Carnac
In Casa Grande where we have Arizona Water company if your bill is not paid on time you will get a notice of shut off within a few days.
At about 15 days they come out and lock your meter in the off position. No past due bills sure keeps the cash flow better.
It sure seems a lock would be easier than meter removal.
The problem is many houses don't have meters and no means to shut the water off, its a straight shot to the city line.... their water rates are way to low...I have 15 lemon, grapefruit, and guayaba trees, about 20 palms, 50 to 60 cactus plants, natal plums, eucalyptus and an herb garden, main house and a guest house and my water is a fixed rate of 200 pesos every 2 months...thats under 14 dllrs.. property tax was lowered this year to 100 pesos..the only shut off valve is the one I installed on the city water line...
In Casa Grande where we have Arizona Water company if your bill is not paid on time you will get a notice of shut off within a few days.
At about 15 days they come out and lock your meter in the off position. No past due bills sure keeps the cash flow better.
It sure seems a lock would be easier than meter removal.
This is considered racist policy in Detroit. Imagine having the gall to expect people to pay their water bills............