New profile posts

ok mark , this is my first attempt. peace and chicken grease, hammer
Are you still in Rocky Point or have you gone back to Missouri? I'll be down next weekend.
Hi Tyler, I heard that Ric couldn't log back on. Do you think you can help?

Thanks; Kenny
Hi Tyler,
Is there any way to get the correct date/ time on the website. I think it's set to GMT, so if someone posts today, it may show as yesterday.
Thanks, and love the updates.
Hey you!,
Hope alls well with you.. I sent an email day before yesterday with a hi a little info and I got a message back that you would be out until the 26th, silly me LOL I assume it was saved though.
Counting down the day's, and Bob just emailed me about the dates again. Getting close.
Hey, My name is Todd..... Just wonderd if you have any other info on the chipseal issue. We are heading down tomorrow AM
Stuart.....I started a new thread last night and it hasn't been posted. Did I do something wrong?
Tyler.....I started a new thread last night and it hasn't been posted. Did I do something wrong?
Hi Stuart, I was looking at the new post from Leenie, the rental in advertising and there is a section on their web site that's called "TRADE" and one of the things that they are looking for is Premium tequila. I remember you listing all the Tequila you had, and the fact that you were looking to sell some of it..Just a thought.

Hi Tyler, Chuck, AZ Beachboy, says that he doesn't get a return reply when he tries to reset his password.. His email is Chuck Helton <[email protected]> ...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!