New profile posts

Hi Rosy, I hear you're going to be in Tucson this week (listened to your show last Saturday while painting my garage in Miramar). We love Dan Maries, and I wrote him a year ago saying because he has honest reporting on Mexico/Penasco, we switched watching channel 9 to his channel 13. He was the only newscaster who investigated the claims of people being stopped at checkpoints, and if they didn't stop they were shot. All the other newscaster believed the BS from the consulate. Anyway, it would be great getting more Tucsonans in Penasco- we had fun at the concert last weekend, but it was mostly Phoenicians! Keep up the good work
Heidi Maghran- aka Miramar
PS- we need to get the Russ Bus going for the taco tour on the weekend of June 24-26th (our next trip down).
Hi Kenny, Its hard to follow up on our concerns like garbage is the biggest export because it was off topic..... But there is a off topic section and have a look at the cartoon American Dream on this website and decide if it should be past in the off topic section ? People have to wake up sooner or later. I have post the cartoon on my facebook already.
Ed , just wondering if you will be down for Mem. weekend? I have probably 3 guys to go fishin. . and will do fuel and beer and what ever else. Let me know , I have No gear , but we'll pay for anythig lost. Thanks Leigh 602-918-9612
Ernesto, Have you and others figured out who dry meat is yet ? The more he post the more chance someone will figure out who he is ! That was Ted the unabombers mistake was to keep writing till someone he knew who it was by his words.

I stopped posting back to that arrogant piece of crap but would love to figure out how he fits into this whole resort deal. Maybe someone will also have a face to face with dry heave too :) I am behind you ernesto as many others are also.
I've been trying to see what is your avatar, looks lilke a dog jumpimg a eegee's fence, is irt?
Hi Joe, I am trying to figure out how I add smile symbols and all the other symbols that I see posted to my messages ! I have looked and looked but don't see a place to select smily faces when I post on this forum ?

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So you don't like my feet? They don't stink do they?

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... ..I WAS HERE ....