What sort of fishing rods are used while fishing in the ocean?



I am planning a trip and I wanted to know what sort of fishing rods are used while fishing in the ocean? Because there is no way ordinary lake fishing rods will work. So I would like to know brands, names or any links of where I can find these fishing rods. Also if your fishing with live bait what are the chances of hooking a shark, if a shark is hook what are the precautions you take in order from keeping yourself from harm?


Stay Thirsty My Friends
If this will be your first time fishing in the Ocean, then I recommend renting the equipment- most charter services have gear for rent at reasonable rates.

If you still would prefer to purchase your own gear, and you want to buy all new stuff then visit Phoenix Fishing Supply on 16th street- they have a large selection and they can help you put together a nice rod/reel combo.

If you aren't going to assemble several combos (small, medium, large) then the best "jack of all trades" setup would be a narrow 4/0 high speed reel (like a Penn Senator 113h) combined with a 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 foot rod rated for 30-80 pound line.

Have the reel spooled with 50-80 pound spectra. This line is pretty expensive, so you can reduce the cost by having them fill the reel half way with 80 pound monofiliment or dacron, and then have them wrap a few hundred yards of spectra on top of that.

Regarding sharks- very little chance of hooking one, and if you do, you have very little chance of landing it, but it you do, then you'll have to decide to either A) cut the line and let it swim away, or B) Have a really big bat on board.


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Fishing Rods,

I am planning a trip and I wanted to know what sort of fishing rods are used while fishing in the ocean? Because there is no way ordinary lake fishing rods will work. So I would like to know brands, names or any links of where I can find these fishing rods. Also if your fishing with live bait what are the chances of hooking a shark, if a shark is hook what are the precautions you take in order from keeping yourself from harm?
Cabelas.com ```as for sharks, yes you will catch plenty in the 10 ft. range, but you MUST use nightcrawlers, the red & black ones, MUST be VERY lively ```

``` When you hook one get him to boat QUICK !!! this is VERY important, then strip down, have your fishing buddy hand you a 12inch fillet knife, grab it between your teeth, ( sharp side pointing out, ) ```have your pal @ the ready with the ``` "BAT" ``` then jump on that suckers ass, and start filleting it, at the same time yell @ your assistant to "START WHACKING" like hell, then get back in boat ``` FAST ``` because there will``` BE BLOOD IN THE WATER ```which will bring ```OTHER``` sharks ```the next step is ``` EASY ```
```GET IT IN BOAT ```FAST ``` :lol: :lol: :lol: ``` ~ ~ ~