I the angle of view is rather flat, I agree, hence the question about the length of the lens.Isn't it too low of an angle to be from Capitan? If it's really from Penasco, I wish a landmark like Comp. Hill or the Sandy Beach resorts were in it.
Go to www.facebook.com/rockypointmexicofishing. There are quite a few taken over the last 2 weeks. The most dramatic from 2 days ago when they breached big time.Good to know that it's real. Can you get some more from the series of shots that were taken and post them? Would love to see them.
That explains the low angle. Awe-inspiring shots!That picture was taken by a friend of mine off of a boat, not from the patio of el capitan. It is very real. There is a whole series of shots from that day. The person who is posting this on Facebook and other places is not giving credit where credit is due.