Weather July 2, 2013


Nice cloud cover today, showers in the early morning hours, thunderheads with thunder rolling off to the east, light showers at noon. Nice break from the hot sun, but tropical like humidity.

Wonder if this is spin off from that big storm reported off the coast.


The temp on my watch says 77.8 at the moment at 1:40 in the afternoon with no AC and the windows open! Unbelievable for early July. The wind from late last night stirred up the waves quite a bit, actually saw somebody surfing this morning.
Really jealous, I love being there when there are thunder storms around and you can see the lightning on the water, worth enduring the heat and humidity.
About 10 years ago it was 68 degrees at 9PM going into town, NICE!!!
I've been there for 10-12, 4th of July weekends and 2 were pretty nice, 2 were OK, with the rest being MISERABLE, Window A/C's running 24/7
Oh and 2 of the weekends the power was off in Cholla, when we came home at 2-3AM from partying in town, ARGGGGH! Sometimes I wish, I still had a generator!!

Now we have a mini-split system that is way better than the window units.:thumbsup:


Lovin it in RP!
Took a drive to Hermosillo and back yesterday. It started raining at the entrance to the Herradura mine and continued through Caborca. It was very nice in Hermosillo yesterday which is usually Hot, hot, hot. Very pleasant drive in awesome weather. My otherwise clean van was not so clean by the time I got home though!