Use pesos or dollars in RP?



Which will get you a better value in your opinion? I know a lot of times places will fix exchanges around 10 or 11 peso to the dollar, but right now I think the dollar is at around 12.25 pesos or so. So I was thinking of heading to the ATM and grabbing some pesos in RP.

Anyone have an opinion on which currency will currently get you more bank for your buck? Or peso,as the case might be?


I always use pesos that way I know what rate I am getting as they usually put dolares and pesos on the bill


Ok, second question. Does anyone know whether the ATM's in Mexico charge a flat service fee (beyond what my bank already charges of course)?


I have been looking elsewhere and it seems as if my bank (Chase) apparently charges outrageous fees and gives lousy exchange rates even through an ATM. So, my question is this: If I just show up at a bank (say Banamex near City Hall) with a wad of cash, will I receive an exchange rate that closely approximates the actual exchange for that day?

What about AMEX travelers checks? I used those last time I traveled in Asia and the exchange rate kicked ass, better than the ATM. Anyone ever use those?
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no matter what the exchange rate is, at the time, pesos will take you longer than dollars, if you use Super Ley it is the best place to exchange dollars and they take 100 bills too and the rate is based from their central so their system is updated daily, right now banks are crazy they do not even have the same exchange rate, the best one is the Banamex on the north east corner of Sinaloa Ave and Fremont Blvd inside the shopping center almost 13 pesos to a dollar as of yesterday


I go in Banamex either in Plaza Fremont or Benito Juarez with a "wad" of cash, give them my passport, and get a great exchange rate. I agree with the comment on the Chase exchange rate.


Pesos. If you use dollars for your purchases you will get a variety of exchange rates, depending on each business. Converting to pesos you can find the best single rate.
That's what happens when you use your credit card in Guau Guau's gotta stop buying those bottles for the know they're just flavored water!!!:aagh::rofl::rofl:
Pesos seem the way to go for most stuff. Super ley, Las Palmas give decent exchange rates. So $$ are ok.

Banamex and Banorte give great exchange rates for ATM's.

Pemex and a lot/some of the local establishments are much better using pesos. Most of the local places I use are not great using dollars. It's getting worse.

In Cholla JJ's is bad for pesos.

In Cholla, for dollars, Ramons is still stuck at 10-1, use pesos, So is Patty's bill paying service, going to start to prepay at Oxxo.

Memo Greens is 10-10.5 to one. Perico's is ok depending on how business is. I now always ask, if I'm going to spend over $10.


I used my credit card one time and hand some charges from guau guau's appear. just use cash for a short visits.
Wrong, use your card for short visits. Because the bank will call and ask about unusual charges on your card and you tell them they are not yours.