Cloud cover today, rain off and on all night. Raining steady now. Bring a rain coat and umbrella if you are coming!! More mud to deal with. I cannot recall this much rain over the past month since I moved here. Nice for a change on an occasional day but this is ridiculous.
Our last trip down was Superbowl weekend. We got screwed. Day of Superbowl it turned out to be pretty nice which the wind reports on both and had it being super windy. So didn't bring kayak. Monday, day of Boo Bar Poker Run, it was hurricane winds. Broke the truck 30 miles into the run in the middle of the desert. Well, almost. Luckily we were actually fairly close to the highway. Somehow we got it fixed enough to limp back to Cholla Bay. Spent the entire rest of the afternoon inside because wind was out of the North at 30. Gusting 40. Tuesday, the wind was supposed to be the same. We woke up, had to readdress our "quick fix" before attempting to limp home to Phoenix. My good ol buddy Hippie helped us do some work real fast to get us back to Phoenix as safe as possible. We left at like 11am and headed home.
My girlfriend has to have surgery on her ACL and meniscus March 18th. We are coming this weekend for one last ROCK TO THE SOC. Weather is starting to look like shit now!!! We can't catch a break! So weird too because historically I think January and February are AZ's wettest and usually not much wind. April is when the wind comes. We had no rain in January and almost didn't have any in February until Saturday's SOAKER. From what I keep seeing on the wind reports is that it has been fairly windy down south. I know it can be a little on the chilly side and there's always a potential for clouds and sprinkles during the first week of Spring Break but where is this WIND coming from??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKK!
Gusting to 47 at midnight Sunday night???!!!!!!!!!!!
50+ weather layers, weather radar and satellite
Windfinder shows it a little lighter but not sure if I trust WF now over Windy. - Detailed wind & weather forecast for Bahía la Choya / Sonora, Mexico for kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking.
Google still has Sunday and Monday as looking decent.
Coming Saturday night. We hope to be able to kayak and do a little beach time Sunday and Monday so WHOEVER IS LISTENING PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please push the wind back a couple of days. Thank you.