Truck Stolen From San Rafael At 11 am Read Accused Of Stealing


El Pirata
Behind the railing
June 6, 2011


Passing my eyes for the informative part, my memories came that old commercial that said "it's a plane, a balloon is a UFO, no, it's Superman" nothing more than changing the final here, "there is a Burglar on the Roof "and was arrested by municipal preventive bastard who was on the roof of a store stealing cable.
According to the report by some municipal preventive agents who manned the unit 028, went to the corner of Avenida Jaime Simon Morúa Nunó and street in the center sector, where the corner is located a facility called the Textile Center, called in response to the rail, telephone call in which locals demanded the presence of the police, because at a glance observed a subject on the roof of the building, as it was after 2 am Wednesday June 15, and was not plane or balloon, much less Superman, was half suspicious movement, reaching unity the municipality, the subject fell from the roof "in chinga" tried to "peel" nothing more than the city, "stuck" to the subject, that he "spent scale", mainly inside a backpack hanging from his back and officers found several sections of cable "twisted" to make a visual inspection of the place, found clear evidence that the cable was in the backpack the subject would have been cut from the electrical installation of the shop before mentioned.
The subject was identified as Colin Salvador Vargas, 46 years old, "which for now does not work," and what we see, if you have more vices than an old politician, or an old politician, and here that " The order of factors does not alter the product, "told us the old masters, but following this little guy, said to be originally from Mexico City, so it is" Chilango ", which, with very notable exceptions, largely of our Republic are considered harmful and more "long" two straight league packages, and this is a clear negative example of the kind of ills that come from "the great metropolis," the other bad example is every <WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP> political emanated from San Lazaro, no examples of this kind if there are many, but as we said before, "but a very few honorable exceptions."
Once "The Chilango" was controlled by the agents, of course without using violence to get it advanced management courses "masses" courses are taught by expert teachers, graduates of the famous school called "under the criminal underworld," inference we draw ever released by the club, this is no gamble, the fact is that the frustrated rascal was transferred to the judge's chambers qualifier in turn, that once were submitted evidence and having heard the confession of the suspected thief, the officer ordered the agents to be "stayed" in a luxury suite paid for by the city, while the document was produced aimed at the licensed number 1051/2011 Diaz Mario Alberto Alcantar, head of the ministerial agency based in this city, and as the subject lacks the buoyant economic situation for these hours should be longer in the CERES clear that if there was good sponsor.


As you are a <WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP> lie "chelas" any Congal slouch, and even claim to be "3-star tourist," as happened to a customer, which to quench their terrible thirst, much like what they call "raw" but the heat was already giving us "cheek" and was happiest when, reaching an aggressive subject, and that puts great fucks, that was the total for the hospital.
According to the information part, and the complaint settled at page 169-B Book XXXIV, document signing below who identified himself as Luis Alberto Cordero (name already sucks) Valdez, who narrates that on Tuesday, 14 this June, at approximately 2 pm, Being in the restaurant called Al Capone, which is located on Avenida Andrés Quintana Roo Sinaloa, said that no reason was assaulted by someone who knows as Jose Jesus Flores Velasquez, subject presumed to be the sole, halibut, other click brothel known as the boob, which is located in the Malecon area, due to injuries he received, he was transferred to HGEPP, where he was treated by medical personnel, and since the hospital where he had notice that is received a person injured by another, resulting in injuries considered serious, which takes over 15 days to heal, but not life threatening, of which notice was given to C-4, moving the agents Hospital municipal preventive, who spoke with the injured, who instructed officials to settle the grievance.
No sooner had they finished the interview, at the intersection of the boulevards Freemonth and Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, preventive agents had before them the alleged abuser , who was "invited" in a courteous and educated by the agents to accompany them to the offices of judge qualifier in turn, and as you know, corresponding to such good ways, the subject agreed, and in the offices of official, it was learned that weighed upon him the charge, while the judge ordered the officers that the alleged assailant was detained in a detention cell, while the case was clarified.
On the other hand, Dr. Alvaro Morales , coroner of the municipal police, certifies that the injured was treated for a concussion and hematoma in the right eye, fractured zygomatic bone level right zygomatic process, an injury that by its nature is considered serious, which take longer 15 days to heal, but to or endanger life.
While the judge called the office number 1058/2011 elaborated, document addressed to the head of the ministerial agency, which gives notice of the above, while offers to Jose Jesus Flores Velasquez, 34 years old, who claims to be a native of Ciudad Obregon, who claims to be manager boob.


Two bastards were arrested accused of stealing a pickup truck inside a trailer park, the two men went to the boat, but the pick up, no sign.
According to the report by some municipal preventive agents, and the complaint settled in the A 292-hander, Book III, municipal transit, claims that signing below who identified himself as Ramon Ayala Flores, who was in charge of security says the parking called Trailer Park San Rafael, which is located on Avenida y Calle Campeche First, in the area of El Mirador, and recounts that on Wednesday June 15, at approximately 11 am on board a vehicle online Monte Carlo, in gray, sedans, with black stripe, the address at least two subjects entered the Trailer Park, and parked next to a pick up in white, line S-10, and suddenly, the two vehicles left the parking lot, makes it clear that to enter you have to give notice to administration, or at least to the booth located at the exit, just to go out, have to seek permission, did something that none of the two vehicles, both came to immoderate speed, and ignored the call manager to to stop at the exit booth, so he immediately gave notice to C-4, while support is requested to stop both vehicles to make the appropriate explanation.
agents of the municipal police custody, to go to the place of the facts, as it flows through Sinaloa Avenue from north to south in the opposite direction were found with the vehicle Chevrolet, sedans, line Monte Carlo, in gray with a black, 1986 model, without license plates, vehicle I was approached by two subjects, and as the features provided were consistent with this vehicle, the officers of the unit they made ​​signs with turrets and siren to stop, which made ​​two hundred yards from where he was ordered, the sedan once they stopped the march, the agents asked him to descend to abortantes of Monte Carlo, one was identified as Lauro Garcia Efrain Contreras, 36-year-old native of Sinaloa Navolato, officially fisherman, while the second was identified as Valderraín German Gonzalez, a 31-year-old who said he was also engaged in fishing, who when questioned about the theft of the vehicle Chevrolet pickup, white, line S-10, claimed to know had happened because they were "a panga."
Both subjects, Monte Carlo and the vehicle were taken to the Public Safety Building, where the subjects arrested were the presence of the judge called in turn, that after having heard what had happened, ordered the agents to begin with, the detainees in cells preventive and abandon of problems, informed the holder of the ministerial agency official letter number 1054/2011, while it offers the two men, and both addressed the vehicle when they were arrested.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
The translations of these things just kill me! So, in essence, we have...

A ladron stealing wire from on top of a building who fell and was caught.

A ladron beating the crap outta another ladron at Al Capones.

Two ladrons caught stealing a pickup truck from San Rafael, who (for a change) the police actually caught.

I wonder if that was AZBeachboy's pickup truck over at San Rafael? And I was just there 2 weekends ago!!! My gosh....Ramon was actually awake to call the police!:stir::rofl:


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
While I'm glad they found the other fisherman... ewwwwww. That was close to a month ago. I can't imagine the condition of the body or how the son made a positive ID after that amount of time.

A ton of mota and a burned body with 2 bullets to the head. Naaaaah, no narco activity in Penasco.


El Pirata
I surprised puerto penasco joe didn't catch the name of the manager

Anyway Looks like Jose from the BOOB Bar went to drum up some biz from Capons and was not a very happy camper. So he beat the crap out of this guy and put him in the hospital for 15 days So next time your in the boobar hardass him about it. I'm going too.

Como que está cabrón echarse unas “chelas” en cualquier congal gacho, y hasta presumen de ser “turísticos 3 estrellas”, tal como le pasó a un parroquiano, el que para calmar su terrible sed, muy parecida a lo que llaman “cruda”, pero fue efecto del calor que ya nos está dando “carrilla”, y cuando mas feliz estaba, que llega un agresivo sujeto y que le pone fenomenal chinga, total que fue al para al Hospital.
Según el parte informativo, y la queja asentada en la foja 169-B del libro XXXIV, documento que firma al calce quien se identificó como Luis Alberto Cordero (apellido que ya apesta) Valdez, quien narra que el martes 14 de este mes de junio, siendo aproximadamente las 2 de la tarde, al encontrarse en el restaurante denominado Al Capone, el que se encuentra ubicado en avenida Sinaloa y Andrés Quintana Roo, dice que sin motivo aparente, fue agredido por quien conoce como José Jesús Flores Velásquez, sujeto que presume ser el mero, mero, de otro <WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP> lupanar conocido como BooBar, el que se encuentra ubicado en el área del Malecón, y debido a las lesiones que recibió, fue trasladado al HGEPP, en donde fue atendido por personal médico, siendo desde este nosocomio de donde se dio aviso de que había sido recibido una persona lesionada por otro, resultando con lesiones consideradas como graves, de las que tardan mas de 15 días en sanar, pero que no ponen en peligro la vida, de los que se dio aviso al C-4, trasladándose al Hospital agentes preventivos municipales, quienes dialogaron con el lesionado, al que los agentes instruyeron para que asentara la queja formal.
No bien habían terminado la entrevista, en el entronque de los bulevares Freemonth y Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, agentes preventivos tuvieron a la vista al presunto agresor, el que fue “invitado” de manera cortes y educada por los agentes, a que los acompañara a las oficinas de juez calificador en turno, y como ya sabe usted, correspondiendo a tan buenas maneras, el sujeto accedió, ya en las oficinas del funcionario, este fue enterado de que pesaba sobre su persona la acusación, a la vez que el juez ordenaba a los agentes que el presunto agresor fuera internado en una celda preventiva, en tanto se aclaraba el caso.
Por otro lado, el doctor Álvaro Morales, médico legista de la policía municipal, certifica que el lesionado fue atendido de una contusión y hematoma en ojo derecho, fractura de hueso cigomático a nivel de apófisis cigomática derecha, lesión que por su naturaleza, es considerada como grave, de las que tardan mas de 15 días en sanar, pero que o ponen en peligro la vida.
En tanto que el juez calificador elaboraba el oficio número 1058/2011, documento dirigido al titular de la agencia ministerial, en el que se le da aviso de lo anterior, a la vez que se pone a su disposición a José Jesús Flores Velásquez, de 34 años de edad, quien dice ser originario de Ciudad Obregón, el que dice ser administrador del BooBar.
OK, one more time: So Jose from the BooBar went over to Capone's Pizzeria, tried to tell customers there to head over to his place, then got in a fist fight with one of the Capone's workers and/or owners? That really happened !?!?