The cat murderer is back........


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Yesterday my next door neighbor's cat got shot. Oh, not again......... She made it, the pellet broke her little front leg. Now that's one dead cat to the west of me, 3 and a half years ago, my little lucky Mexicat 3 years ago and my neighbors to the east of me lucky little girl. Give me 5 minutes with a baseball bat........Some people suck! Big time!!!!!!! Argh.


AKA Carnac
LJ your not the only person that has been forced to deal with cat muderers. A few years ago we had a kitty murderer living on our property, a stray little female cat started hanging around our house and I fed her and she stayed, but only outside. Then maybe about a year later I noticed she was pregnate, well she had 4 kittens in the garage, then after a couple days 1 by 1 they started disappearing. I couldn't figure it out, then when there was only one left I came home, the little kitty was gone and I noticed the mother cat was swollen and sick. I started looking for rattlesnakes and found a big diamondback under the bar-b-que. he had eaten the kittys and bit the mother. I took her to the vet and she lived. The diamondback, I got my rake and raked him into a bucket and drove a couple miles and released him. Also 2 years ago I remodeled my bathroom in Rocky Point and when we removed the vanity, we had a sidewinder hibernating under it. I have no idea how he got into the house. He wasn't so lucky.